Curriculum vitae


CV Saidin FABU, UTM – Edited 18.4.2024 Latest

Scoupus ID: 55217506300

ResearcherID: K-6747-2012

Researcher ID: 10494 (MyGrants)

ORCID: 0000-0003-0532-2212


  1. Project Management
  2. Occupational Safety and Health 
  3. Construction Management
  4. Facilities Management
  5. Quantity Surveying and Professional Practice


1 Aug. 23-31 July. 2026   Deputy Director (Occupational Health & Safety), Office of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE), Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development) UTM

1 Oct. 20-31 July 2023   Health, Safety and Environmental Advisor (HSEA), FABU

July 2020-Present       RG Leader, Construction Economic, Law, Procurement-CELP (Research Group under Energy RSA), UTM

Jan. 2019- Dec. 2020  Lab Manager, Faculty of Built Environment & Surveying UTM

2018-Present              Associate Professor, Department of Quantity Surveying, UTM.

Jan. 2018-Dec. 2020   Visiting Professor, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

2011-June 2018          Safety and Health Officer (SHO), FAB

2010- Present             Trainer, CIDB Training Panel, Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), Ministry of Works, Malaysia; Trainer, UTMSPACE

Quantity Surveyor, Institut Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

2009- 2018                 Senior Lecturer, Department of Quantity Surveying, UTM.                                  

Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Jan. 2000-Dec. 2017   Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

Jan-Dec. 2002             Visiting Lecturer, Kolej Teknologi Binaan, YPJ, Johor

June. 1997- 2009        Lecturer, Department of Quantity Surveying, UTM.

Sept. 1994- 1996        Tutor, Department of Quantity Surveying, UTM.

                                   Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

1994 (July-Sept)          Lecturer (Part-Time) Department of Quantity Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



  1. Professional Chartered Surveyor, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK (MRICS, 6520732).


  1. Member, The Royal Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (MRISM, M2978).
  2. Consultant Quantity Surveyor, Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia (2006/CQS01313).
  3. Member, Institute of Value Management, Malaysia (IVMM, M00186).
  4. Certificate in Safety and Health Officer (SHO) (National Institute Occupational Safety and Health, Malaysia, NIOSH).
  5. Member/Facilitator, Biro Tatanegara, Prime Minister Department, Membership No. J-0972-S12 (1 Jan. 2003-Current)
  6. Lieutenant, Reserve Team Division, Royal Malaysian Navy (PSSTLDM), KD Seri Medini, Johor Bahru. ID. 8700707 (8 Nov. 1997-31 Dec. 2002)
  7. Assistant Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (PDRM Project Jln. Travers) (16 June-31 Dec. 1994)


Research Awards

  1. Innovation Award, Annual Dinner 2018, Board of Quantity Surveyor Malaysia, Ministry of Work. 22 Oct. 2018.
  2. Gold Medal Award, (Multi Function Green Interlocking Mortar-LOCKBLOCK) Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF2016), COEX Seoul, Korea. 1-4 Nov. 2016
  3. Gold Medal Price Award, (A Computer-Vision Based for Construction Cost Control in Real-Time (CONVIS-COST) Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF2023), Seoul, Korea. (1-4 Nov. 2023).
  4. Distinguished Faculty in Quantity Surveying Award, 9th Venus International Faculty Awards (VIFA 2023), by Governing Council of the Venus International Foundation, India. 15 July 2023. (Discipline: Science)

Exhibition Awards

  1. Gold Medal, 18th Industrial Art & Technology Exhibition (NALI2018), UTM. (24-26 Oct. 2018)
  2. Gold Medal, 18th Industrial Art & Technology Exhibition (INATEX 2016), UTM. 4-6 Oct. 2016
  3. Gold Medal, International University Carnival on eLearning (IUCEL 2016), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT). (20-21 Sept. 2016)
  4. Bronze Medal, 15th Industrial Art & Technology Exhibition (INATEX 2013), UTM. (2 Oct. 2013)

Other Awards

  1. Tokoh Pemikir, Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) Negeri Johor 2013.
  2. Excellent Service Award 2014, UTM, Majlis Citra Karisma. (7 June 2015)
  3. Marquis Who’s and Who in The World 2011-2013 (2011-2013)
  4. Excellent Service Award 2010, UTM, Majlis Citra Karisma. (7 July 2011)
  5. Chancellor’s Award, UTM 43th Convocation, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. (15 August 2009)
  6. Best Student Award (PhD in Facilities Management), UTM 43th Convocation 2009, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. (15 August 2009)
  7. Excellent Service Award 2001, UTM, Majlis Citra Karisma. (7 May 2002)


1 Jan. 2019- 31 Dec 2020      :      Lab Manager, Faculty of Built Environment &Surveying, UTM.

15 April 2018-present         :      Assoc. Prof., Department of Quantity Surveying, UTM.

4-8 April 2017                   :      Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

16 Oct. 2016-15 Oct. 2019  :      Facilitiy Manager, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

3-8 April 2016                   :      Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

10 -18 March 2015             :      Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

1 Jan. 2012-31 Dec. 2013    :      IT Manager, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

30 Oct.-5 Nov. 2013          :      Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

1 Sept. 2010- Present          :      Training Panel for Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), Ministry of Works, Malaysia.

22-25 June 2011                 :      Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

16-21 May; 26-30 Dec. 2010      :            Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

18 June 2009-April 2018         :      Senior Lecturer, Department of Quantity Surveying, UTM.

10-14 June 2008                 :      Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

25-31 Mar; 5-13 Dec. 2007        :         Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

20 Nov 2002-30. Aug. 2005       :       Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Dataran Tanjung Emas, Muar, Johor Darul Ta’zim)

22-26 June; 18-21 Nov. 2005 :   Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia.

5-12 Dec. 2004                  :      Visiting Lecturer, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

1 Jan. 2003-present            :      Member/Facilitator, Biro Tatanegara, Prime Minister Department, Membership No. J-0972-S12

9 Jan. -30 Nov. 2002          :      Lecturer (Part-Time) Kolej Teknologi Binaan, YPJ, Johor.

25 July 1997- June 2009      :      Lecturer, Department of Quantity Surveying, UTM.

1 Feb. 1998-31 Dec. 1998   :      Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Laman Mar-Mar Langkawi)

1 Feb. 1998-31 Dec. 1998   :      Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Landskap Bulatan Air Hangat Langkawi)

1 Feb. 1998-31 Dec. 1998   :      Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Menara Jam Langkawi)

8 Nov. 1997-31 Dec. 2002  :      2nd. Lieutenant, Reserve Team Division, Royal Malaysian Navy (PSSTLDM), KD Seri Medini, Johor Bahru. ID. 8700707

Jan. 1995-Dec.1996            :      Manager, Building Information Centre, Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

5 Sept. 1994- 24 July 1997   :      Tutor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

1 Jan. 1995-31 Dec. 1995    :      Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Menaiktaraf Sg. Johor)

6 July-4 Sept. 1994             :      Lecturer (Part-Time) Department of Quantity Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

16 June-31 Dec. 1994         :      Assistant Quantity Surveyor, UTSB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (PDRM Project Jln. Travers)




Faculty Level

1 Jan. 2019- 31 Dec 2020      :      Lab Manager, Faculty of Built Environment &Surveying, UTM.

1 Jan. 2018- 31 Dec. 2019     :    Advisor, Student Society (QS BINA), UTM.

1 Feb. 2017- 31. Jan. 2019     :    Safety and Health Officer (SHO), FAB

16 Oct. 2016- 15 Oct. 2019   :    Facility Manager, FAB, UTM

1 Sept. 2016- Ogos 2018      :    Coordinator, “First Year Experience (FYE)” Programme FAB, UTM.

1 Sept. 2016- Ogos 2018      :    Advisor, Student Society (QS BINA), UTM.

1 June 2015- 31 May 2017    :    Secretary, Occupational Safety,  Health, Environmental Committee, FAB.

1 Feb. 2015- 31. Jan. 2017     :    Safety and Health Officer (SHO), FAB

1 Feb. 2013- 31. Jan. 2015     :    Safety and Health Officer (SHO), FAB.

1 Jan. 2014-31. July 2016       :    Chairman, Badan Kebajikan Fakulti Alam Bina, UTM Johor Bahru.

1 Jan. 2014-31. Dec 2015      :    Deputy Incident Commander Blok B11, FAB, UTM Johor Bahru.

1 June 2011- 31 May 2015    :    Safety and Health Officer (SHO), FAB.

Jan. 2013-Dec. 2015             :    Advisor, Persatuan Mahasiswa Ukur Bahan dan Pembinaan (QS-BINA), UTM.

Feb. 2014-present                :    Coordinator, Part Time Course, (Bachelor of Construction), Dept. of Quantity Surveying / UTMSPACE

1 April 2013-31 Dec. 2015    :    Internal Auditor, ISO Programme, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

1 April-31 Dec. 2013            :    Internal ISO Auditor, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

1 Jan. 2012-31 Dec. 2013      :    IT Manager, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1 Jan. 2011-31 Dec. 2013      :    Landscape Committee, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

Jan. 2011-31 Sept 2012         :    Head, Marketing Team of FAB, UTM.

1 Jan. 2011-31 Dec. 2012      :    Internal ISO Auditor, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

1 Dec. 2009- 30 Nov. 2012   :    Deputy Director, Centre of Real Estate Studies CRES, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, FGHT, UTM.

1 April-31 Dec. 2012            :    Internal ISO Auditor, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

1 Dec. 2009- 30 Nov. 2011   :    Coordinator, Industrial Training, Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

6 Oct. 2009-5 Oct. 2011       :    Treasurer, Badan Kebajikan Fakulti Alam Bina, UTM Johor Bahru.

17 August 2010-present        :    QS, Landscape Committee Project Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

15 March 2012-present         :    Head, QS Training Team, Faculty of Built Environment & CIDB, Vot 568 UTSB.

7 Nov. 2010- 8 Dec. 2010     :    Acting Head of Department (Quantity Surveying), Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1 July 2009-30 May 2011       :    Head, Building Information Centre (BIC), Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1 April-31 Dec. 2011            :    Internal ISO Auditor, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

1 June 2009-June 2011          :    Coordinator, 2nd. Year Studio Bac. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

10 Nov. 2009- 20 Dec. 2009 :    Acting Course Director (Quantity Surveying), Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1 April-31 Dec. 2005            :    Internal ISO Auditor, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Sept. 2003-Dec. 2005            :    Coordinator, Part Time (Bachelor of Quantity Surveying), Dept. of Quantity Surveying  / UTMSPACE

Sept. 2004-May 2005            :    Coordinator, Part Time (Bachelor of Building), Dept. of Quantity Surveying  / UTMSPACE

August 2002-August 2004     :    Committee, Curriculum for Bachelor of Quantity Surveying, Dept. of Quantity Surveying, UTM.

August 2002-2004                :    Committee, Accreditation for Bachelor of Quantity Surveying Programme, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

5 Feb. – 31 March 2001        :    Acting Head of Dept. (Part Time Programme), Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1999-2004                           :    Coordinator Commitee, Diploma in Quantity Surveying, Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1999-2005                           :    Advisor, Persatuan QS Bina, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1999- 2004                          :    Coordinator, Part Time (Diploma in Quantity Surveying), Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1999                                    :    Coordinator Seminar and and Short Courses UTM-CIDB,  Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1998                                    :    SubCommittee Membership and Qualification Review, Institution of Surveyor Malaysia (ISM)

1998-99                                :    Coordinator, Industrial Training, Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1998-99                                :    Coordinator, 3rd Year Studio Integration of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1997-99                                :    Coordinator, Seminar and Short Courses, Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1994-96                                :    Manager, Building Information Centre, Dept. of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.


University Level

13 Jan.-31 May 2018             :    Panel Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 2018 UTM, Johor Bahru

15 Jan.-31 May 2017             :    Panel Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 2017 UTM, Johor Bahru.

21 Jan.-31 May 2016             :    Panel Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 2016 UTM, Johor Bahru.

5 July 2014 July 2017            :    Committee, ALUMNI UTM, UTM.

1 Feb. 2014-present              :    Coordinator, Part Time Course (Bachelor of Construction), Dept. of Quantity Surveying / UTMSPACE

1 March-7 May 2015            :    Panel Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 2015 UTM, Johor Bahru.

1 March-7 May 2014            :    Panel Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 2014 UTM, Johor Bahru.

1 Feb.-31 May 2013              :    Panel Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 2013 UTM, Johor Bahru.

1 Jan. 2013-present              :    Advisor, Persatuan Mahasiswa Ukur Bahan dan Pembinan (QS-BINA), UTM.

1 Jan. – 31 Dec. 2013           :    Appointed as Committee Member, New Academia-Learning Innovation, UTM Johor Bahru.

1 March-7 May 2013            :    Panel Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 2012 UTM, Johor Bahru.

1 Jan. 2011-31 April 2014     :    Internal Safety Auditor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

1 Okt. – 31 Dec. 2012           :    Panel Penggubal Peperiksan Khas Juruteknik ke Penolong Jurutera dan Penolong Juruukur Bahan J29 (Scheme J).

1 March 2012- 5 Dec. 2013   :    Project Team, SOLAR Decathlon China 2013.

17-19 June 2011                   :    Panel Penyediaan Silabus Peperiksaan Khas Juruteknik ke Penolong Jurutera dan Penolong Juruukur Bahan J29 (Scheme J). UTM Johor Bahru.

1 March 2009-31 Sept. 2012  :    Member, Marketing Team of UTM Johor Bahru.

7 Jan-7 July 2012                           :    Panel Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan 2011 UTM, Johor Bahru.

1 July 2009-30 July 2011        :    Appointed as Committee Member (Generic Skills),UTM.

1 July 2009-30 July 2011        :    Student-Lecturer Committee, Dept. of Quantity Surveying, FAB, UTM Johor Bahru.

7 July 2011                           :    Panel Anugerah Teknologi Maklumat Tahun 2010 (AJK Induk), Majlis Citra Karisma, UTM, Johor Bahru.

9 Oct. 2009-Dec. 2011          :    Appointed as Excellent Student Programme Main Committee, UTM Johor Bahru.

25 Feb. 2011                        :    Speaker, Safety Committee Programme, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, UTM Johor Bahru.

20-21 March2010                 :    Marketing Committee, Karnival Pengajian Tinggi 2010, Kuantan, Pahang.

15-27 March  2007               :    Panel of Professional Development Programme, for Degree++ Programme, UTM Johor Bahru.

2001-April 2006                   :    Committee, Alumni UTM, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM Johor Bahru.

1 August 1999-31 July 2001   :    Felo, Kolej Rahman Putra, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru.



National Level

28 Jan. 2014                         :    Moderator, Seminar Pemerkasaan Ekonomi Nasional (PENA) Negeri Johor, Nusajaya.

1 Jan. 2013-present              :    Advisor, Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) Negeri Johor.

3 March 2013                      :    Advisory Panel, Student Excellent Development Model Workshop, Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) Negeri Johor.

5 June 2012                         :    Speaker, Perdana Community Service, Persatuan Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia Negeri Sembilan.

1 Nov. 2012-present            :    Consultant QS Advisory Arbitration Panel, Che Man Che Mud & Co.

7th. Jan. 2007                       :    Motivation & Prospects in Construction, Sek. Men. Keb. Rengit, Batu Pahat, Johor.

24 Jan. -31 March 2005        :    Forensic Team, Forensic Engineering and Structural Investigation on Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) Kepong, Selangor, Anti‑Corruption Commission (SPRM) Malaysia.

7 August 2003                      :    Facilitator of a Motivation SPM Programme, Sek. Men. Pasir Gudang 2, Pasir Gudang, Johor.

June 2005-July 2006              :    Quantity Surveyor, Project Wakaf, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM.

1 January 2003-present         :    Member/Facilitator, Biro Tatanegara, Prime Minister Department, Membership No. J-0972-S12.

12 Sept. 2002                       :    Facilitator of a Motivation SPM Program, Sek. Men. Pasir Gudang 2, Pasir Gudang, Johor.

March 2002                         :    Quantity Surveyor, Project Stage at Sek. Men. Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, Johor Bahru.

Jan- Dec. 1999                     :    Quantity Surveyor, Project Surau Taman Desa Skudai, Johor Bahru.

April- May 1999                   :    Quantity Surveyor, Project Dewan Serbaguna Sek. Men Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, Johor Bahru.

April 1999                           :    Quantity Surveyor, Project of Additional Building for Canteen, Sek. Men Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, Johor Bahru.

1997-2002                           :    2nd. Lieutenant, Reserve Team Division, Royal Malaysian Navy, PSSTLDM), KD Seri Medini, Johor Bahru

1996                                    :    Quantity Surveyor, Project Surau Sek. Keb. Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, Johor Bahru.

Community Level

1 Sept. 2016-30 Aug. 2018    :    Treasurer, Residence Committee Taman Pulai Bayu, 81300 Skudai.

1 Feb. 2016-31 Aug. 2016     :    Deputy Chairman, Residence Committee Taman Pulai Bayu, 81300 Skudai.

1 Sept. 2015-30 Jan. 2016      :     Deputy Treasurer, Residence Committee Taman Pulai Bayu, 81300 Skudai.


University Level

1 May- 31 July 2017              :    Quantity Surveyor, Projek LATA JERNIH UTM, Hutan Rekreasi, UTM Johor Bahru.


  1. Appointment as Safety Advisory Committee for EDL Expressway Project, Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia LLM, Johor, 24 April 2013.
  2. Appointment as Member for Training Development Skills Committee (Panel Penasihat Latihan Pembangunan Kemahiran) IKBN Chembong, Negeri Sembilan, Kementerian Belia dan Sukan, Malaysia. (10 Jan. 2010-10 Jan. 2013).
  3. Committee, Science and Technology Exhibition Week, Negeri Johor (April 1996)



  1. Treasurer and Technical Committee, The 1st International Conference on Construction Industry 2006 (ICCI 2006), Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, 21-25th. June 2006.
  2. Treasurer and Technical Committee, The 2nd International Conference on Construction Industry 2009 (ICCI 2009), Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, 30-31 July 2009.
  3. Secretary and Technical Committee, The 3rd International Conference on Construction Industry 2012 (ICCI 2012), Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, 10-11 March 2012.
  4. Technical Committee, 2014 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER 2014). 7 – 9 April 2014, Penang, Malaysia.



  1. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Real Estate (intREST), 1 October 2009- Dec. 2013 (presently known as Malaysian Journal of Real Estate MaJORE).
  2. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Forensic Engineering and Management, 12th. August 2012-present.
  3. Editorial Review Board Member, EMERALD Smart and Sustainable Built Environment SASBE Journal, ISSN: 2046-6099, 1st August 2012-present.
  4. Editorial Board Member, FutureTech International Journal of Science and Technology- FIJST, 31st July 2013-present.
  5. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology- JEDT, 1st August 2010-present.
  6. Editorial Board Member, Online Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, OJESNR. ISSN 2408-8633.
  7. Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, USA. David Publishing Company, ISSN 1934-7359. 21 Sept 2011-present.
  8. Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Construction in Developing Countries (JCDC). ISSN: 2180-4222.
  9. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Infra Structure Development CSID-JID
  10. Review Board Member, Jurnal Teknologi. E-ISSN: 2180-3722, Jan. 2014-present.
  11. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Reflective Research in Social Sciences (25 Feb. 2018-present)