Hi All,
Today I am going to show on how to build/run our ionic app for browser deployment.
Step 1 : Create ionic app
- You look at my previous tutorial on how to develop basic ionic app at link below:
Step 2 : Build your app for browser
- Open the terminal.
- Go to location of your program. Like cd …/
- Type this command:
ionic build browser --prod

Step 3 : Edit the index.html
- At folder www, this is a file named index.html.
- Edit the <base href = “/” /> to <base href = “./” />
- Like figure below:

Step 4 : Edit the app-routing.module.ts
- At folder ./src/app, this is a file named app-routing.module.ts.
- Add useHash:true like below:

Step 5 : Build again your app for browser
- Type this command:
ionic build browser --prod
Step 6 : Copy file from folder www and put into your host
- Like me, I used host from hostinger.
- Copy all files from WWW folder, and put into your host.
- Like below:

Step 7 : Run the domain
- You can run your domain depending on where you put the files from WWW folder.
- Like below:

DONE !!!!