MySQL control by Python?

Install the MySQL Server

In order to binding between Python with the databases , we need to install MySQL server. The command is:

sudo apt-get install libmariadbclient-dev

Then we the MySQL connector. The command is:

pip3 install mysql-connector

Connecting to your database through Python

In this tutorial, I will show on how to connect and control our database through Python. We will used the database that we created from previous tutorial which is ‘DB_temp’.

Connect to your database

Create a python file and enter the following contents into it:

import mysql.connector as mysql
import time

db = mysql.connect(

                   host = "localhost",
                   user = "shaharil", #user/client that can access the databases
                   passwd = "123"

print(db) #show whether the connection is succesful?

Show Databases

We can write a script to shows the databases under user.

import mysql.connector as mysql
import time

db = mysql.connect(

host = "localhost",
user = "shaharil", #user/client that can access the databases
passwd = "123"

print(db) # show whether the connection is succesful?
cursor = db.cursor() # assigned to a variable name cursor
cursor.execute("show databases") #command to list out all databases
databases = cursor.fetchall() # it will returns a list of databases

Show Tables

Probably, we just create the table using MySQL command on Terminal. In order to shows the table, we can this script:

import mysql.connector as mysql
import time

db = mysql.connect(

host = "localhost",
user = "shaharil", #user/client that can access the databases
passwd = "123",
database = "DB_temp" # our database

print(db) # show whether the connection is succesful?
cursor = db.cursor() # assigned to a variable name cursor

cursor.execute("show databases") #command to list out all databases
databases = cursor.fetchall() # it will returns a list of databases

cursor.execute("show tables") # command to show tables in databases
tables = cursor.fetchall() # it will return all data inside the table

query = "select * from temp_table" # get all data recorded in table
datas = cursor.fetchall()
for data in datas:

query = "select date from temp_table" # get only date data from table
datas = cursor.fetchall()

for data in datas:

print("Total data =", cursor.rowcount,) # to list out how many data

Read Data from Table

The script to read data can be done by using command “SELECT” as example script below:

import mysql.connector as mysql
import time

db = mysql.connect(

        host = "localhost",
        user = "shaharil", #user/client that can access the databases
        passwd = "123",
        database = "DB_temp" # our database

print(db)            # show whether the connection is succesful?
cursor = db.cursor() # assigned to a variable name cursor

cursor.execute("show databases") #command to list out all databases
databases = cursor.fetchall() # it will returns a list of databases

cursor.execute("show tables") # command to show tables in databases
tables =  cursor.fetchall() # it will return all data inside the table

cursor.execute("select * from temp_table") # get all data recorded in table
datas = cursor.fetchall()
print("Total row =",cursor.rowcount)

print("\n Date         Time        Value")

for data in datas:
   print(str(data[0]) + "    ",str(data[1]) + "    ",str(data[2]) + "    ")

Read Data from Table According to Date

dateFind = "2020-07-10"
query = "SELECT COUNT(name) as 'count' FROM attendance where (date = '%s')" %(dateFind)
cursor.execute(query) # command to insert the data into tables
datas = cursor.fetchall()
print(datas) # to list out how many data

Insert Data to Table

The script to insert data can be done by using command “INSERT INTO” as example script below:

import mysql.connector as mysql
import time

db = mysql.connect(

        host = "localhost",
        user = "shaharil", #user/client that can access the databases
        passwd = "123",
        database = "DB_temp" # our database

print(db)            # show whether the connection is succesful?
cursor = db.cursor() # assigned to a variable name cursor

cursor.execute("show databases") #command to list out all databases
databases = cursor.fetchall() # it will returns a list of databases

cursor.execute("show tables") # command to show tables in databases
tables =  cursor.fetchall() # it will return all data inside the table

query = "select * from temp_table" # get all data recorded in table
datas = cursor.fetchall()

for data in datas:

query =  "insert into temp_table(date,time,value) values(%s,%s,%s)"
values = ("2020-11-03","11:30:00",26)

cursor.execute(query,values) # command to insert the data into tables
db.commit() # to make final output on database

print(cursor.rowcount,"record inserted") # to list out how many data

query = "select * from temp_table" # get all data recorded in table
datas = cursor.fetchall()
print(cursor.rowcount,"record inserted") # to list out how many data inserted after

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