September 5, 2017 by Norzaida AbasTask Force Jurnal Penerbitan of UTM Razak School conducted a “Journal Review” Publishing Workshop on July 19, 2017 (Wednesday) at Razak Tower for its academic staff and postgraduate students.This workshop, which consists of knowledge-sharing session and practical training session, would enable staff and students to produce quality “review” articles for publications in high-impact journals. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Firdaus Muhammad-Sukki, a lecturer from Robert Gordon University, UK.At the end of this workshop, it is hoped that quality review articles will be produced by lecturers and students, hence assisting Razak School in achieving the KPI publication based on e-LPPT and MyRA II.Biodata of Dr Firdaus Muhammad-SukkiDr Firdaus Muhammad-Sukki received his MEng degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College, London in 2006 under the Yayasan TM scholarship. In 2009, he received studentship awards from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), Scottish Funding Council (SFC) and Yayasan TM to pursue his postgraduate study in Glasgow Caledonian University from which he obtained his PhD in 2013. Dr. Firdaus Muhammad Sukki is a member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and an associate of the City and Guilds, London (ACGI). Dr. Firdaus Muhammad Sukki has been an active researcher and is currently a Lecturer in Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom. His research interest is in solar energy, particularly in terms of designing optical solar concentrators to create a low cost solar photovoltaic system. On top of that, he also carried out a number of non-technical research including market trend and financial analysis related to renewable technologies for countries such as Malaysia, Japan, Nigeria, Cameroon and United Kingdom. He has excellent track record in collaborating with research universities in around the globe. He has published numerous articles in high impact factor journals (e.g. Nature, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy, Renewable Energy, Energy Policy etc.). He has produced 16 review paper in high impact journals. As an academic author, to date, he has an h-index of 13 and i-index of 17, with a cumulative citation of 502. He is also actively presenting in various conferences related to his area. Prior to joining the academia, he was a communication engineer in Malaysia’s largest telecommunication company. He was in charge of the leased line servers for Malaysia’s network and was involved in major projects related to the telecommunication while holding the post.