Raspberry Pi Display Touch – 3.5 Inch XPT2046 (480×320)

Website that really help:

Credit to : https://trickiknow.com/raspberry-pi-3-complete-tutorial-2018-lets-get-started/

Plugging the LCD will not work for the first time (you will get a white screen only) unless you have done some coding in Raspbian OS. Below are the very easy steps how to install a 3.5 inch LCD on Raspberry Pi.

Step 1: Connect your Raspberry Pi to a PC monitor, also connect the 3.5 inch LCD to Pi.

Step 2: Turn on the pi and make sure its connected to the Internet via WiFi or LAN.

Step 3: Open terminal in Raspbian desktop, and type the following commands.

sudo rm -rf LCD-show 

git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git 

chmod -R 755 LCD-show 

cd LCD-show/

sudo ./LCD35-show

Step 4: Congratulation !! You have successfully installed your Raspberry Pi LCD.

But now the display will not visible on the PC monitor,  it will only visible to the Raspberry Pi LCD. If you want revert back to the PC monitor, Open the terminal and  type commands to get back.

chmod -R 755 LCD-show 

cd LCD-show/ 

sudo ./LCD-hdmi