Raspberry PI Remotely using VNC (Direct)

With VNC Connect, you can establish direct and cloud connections, free for non-commercial use.

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Sometimes it is not convenient to work directly on the Raspberry Pi. Maybe you would like to work on it from another device by remote control.

VNC Connect and Raspberry Pi (direct)

If you have Raspbian Jessie with PIXEL, VNC Connect is included with your Raspberry Pi. It’s completely free for non-commercial use.


VNC Connect consists of two apps, VNC Server and VNC Viewer:

  • VNC Server enables you to connect to your Pi from a desktop computer or mobile device, watch its screen in real-time, and exercise control as though you were sitting in front of it.
  • VNC Viewer enables you to connect to and control a desktop computer (or another Pi) from your Pi, should you want to.

If you have an earlier version of Raspbian, or a different Linux distribution, you can install VNC Connect yourself.


Setting up your Raspberry Pi

VNC Connect is included with Raspbian but you still have to enable it.

First, run the following commands to make sure you have the latest version of VNC Server and VNC Viewer:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-viewer

If you’re already using an older version of VNC Server, restart it. If not, and you’re already booted into the PIXEL desktop, select Menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration > Interfaces and make sure VNC is set to Enabled.

Alternatively, run the command sudo raspi-config, navigate to Interfacing Options > VNC and select Yes.

From now on, VNC Server will start automatically every time you boot your Raspberry Pi. See how to stop VNC Server.

By default, VNC Server remotes the graphical desktop running on your Raspberry Pi. However, if your Pi is headless (not plugged into a monitor) or not running a graphical desktop, VNC Server can still give you graphical remote access using a virtual desktop.


Getting connected to your Raspberry Pi

There are two ways to connect; you can use either or both. Please make sure you’ve downloaded our VNC Viewer app to computers or devices you want to control from.


Establishing a direct connection

Direct connections are quick and simple providing you’re joined to the same private local network as your Raspberry Pi (for example, a wired or Wi-Fi network at home, school or in the office).