Access Raspberry PI using Putty

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On Windows you will need to download an SSH client. The most commonly used client is called PuTTY, and can be downloaded from or:

Look for putty.exe under the heading For Windows on Intel x86.

1. Check your IP address

  1. In Raspberry Pi, go to terminal.
  2. Type as below:
  3. ifconfig:  It is used to check which network the wireless you are using. At wlan0, you will see the IP address. For example:

2. Add your Raspberry Pi as a host

PuTTY does not include an installer package: it is a stand-alone .exe file. When you run it, you will see the configuration screen below:

PuTTY configuration

Type the IP address of the Pi into the Host Name field and click the Openbutton. If nothing happens when you click the Open button, and you eventually see a message saying Network error: Connection timed out, it is likely that you have entered the wrong IP address for the Pi.

If you do not know the IP address, type hostname -I in the Raspberry Pi command line. There are more ways to find your IP address here.

3. Connect

When the connection works you will see the security warning shown below. You can safely ignore it, and click the ‘Yes’ button. You will only see this warning the first time PuTTY connects to a Raspberry Pi that it has not seen before.

PuTTY warning

You will now see the usual login prompt. Log in with the same username and password you would use on the Pi itself. The default:

login for Raspbian:  pi

password: raspberry.

You should now have the Raspberry Pi prompt which will be identical to the one found on the Raspberry Pi itself.

pi@raspberrypi ~ $

PuTTY window

You can type exit to close the PuTTY window.

4. Auto login using WinSCP.

You can donwload the WinSCP as link below:

We can use WinSCP to “auto login” in PuTTY with a password.

enter image description here

Opening PuTTY from WinSCP can be done from either the login window, or from the SFTP window, which I find extremely handy:

enter image description here

Credit to: Franck Dernoncourt