Install NOOBS in Raspberry Pi 3B

According to the SD specifications, any SD card larger than 32GB is an SDXC card and has to be formatted with the exFAT filesystem. This means the official SD Formatter tool will always format cards that are 64GB or larger as exFAT.


The standard formatting tools built into Windows are limited, as they only allow partitions up to 32GB to be formatted as FAT32, so to format a 64GB partition as FAT32 you need to use a third-party formatting tool. A simple tool to do this is FAT32 Format which downloads as a single file named guiformat.exe – no installation is necessary.

The steps:

  1. Plug in the card reader
  2. If they as for format then click yes
  3. Run installed “SD card formatter” which have been installed before.
  4. Click quick format
  5. For the microSD card that more than 32GB, run guiformat.exe
  6. Click quick format
  7. Copy the extracted files onto the SD card that you just formatted, so that this file is at the root directory of the SD card.
  8. On first boot, the “RECOVERY” FAT partition will be automatically resized to a minimum, and a list of OSes that are available to install will be displayed.

DONE !!!

Websites that really help: