LED ON and Blink – Nodejs


Fistly, you need to contruct the LED connection. Then, you can write a script to turn the LED on and off.

Start by making a directory where we can keep our Node.js scripts:

mkdir nodetest/LED

Go to our new directory:

cd nodetest/LED

Now we will create a new file called “led_onoff.js” using the Nano Editor:

sudo nano led_onoff.js

The file is now open and can be edited with the built in Nano Editor.

Write, or paste the following code:

var Gpio = require (‘onoff’).Gpio // include onoff library with GPIO
var LED = new Gpio(17,’out’) // pin BCM17 as an output

LED.writeSync(0); // turn off LED

process.on(‘SIGINT’, () =>


LED Blinking

Now we will create a new file called “led_blink.js” using the Nano Editor:

sudo nano led_blink.js

The file is now open and can be edited with the built in Nano Editor.

Write, or paste the following code:

var Gpio = require (‘onoff’).Gpio // include onoff library with GPIO
var LED = new Gpio(17,’out’) // pin BCM17 as an output

function blinkLED()
if(LED.readSync()==0) // check pin state whether in ON or OFF
{LED.writeSync(1);} // turn on LED
{LED.writeSync(0);} // turn off LED


LED.writeSync(0); // turn off LED
setInterval(blinkLED, 250); // call the function blinkLED and run the function every 250ms