Raspberry PI Remotely using VNC (Cloud)


If you’re connecting over the Internet, it’s much safer and more convenient to establish a cloud connection.

The website that really helps:

Credit to:



  1. On your Raspberry Pi, discover its private IP address by double-clicking the VNC Server icon on the taskbar and examining the status dialog:


  2. On the device you will use to take control, run VNC Viewer and enter the IP address in the search bar:



Establishing a cloud connection

Cloud connections are convenient and encrypted end-to-end, and highly recommended for connections over the Internet. There’s no firewall or router reconfiguration, and you don’t need to know the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, or provide a static one.

You’ll need a RealVNC account; it’s completely free to set up and only takes a few seconds. We’ll give you a special version of our Home subscription that enables both cloud and direct connectivity, and also in-session features such as system authentication, file transfer, printing and chat.

You can apply your Home subscription to five Raspberry Pis and/or desktop computers in total. Please note you revert to the standard feature set for Windows, Mac and Linux desktop computers.

  1. Sign up for a RealVNC account by entering your email address in the box on this page, and following the instructions.

  2. On your Raspberry Pi, select Licensing from the VNC Server status menu, choose Sign in to your RealVNC account, and enter your new account email and password:


  3. On the device you will use to take control, run VNC Viewer and sign in using the same account credentials.

  4. In VNC Viewer, a connection to your Raspberry Pi automatically appears under the name of your team. Simply tap or double-click to connect:


Authenticating to VNC Server

To complete either a direct or cloud connection you must authenticate to VNC Server. Enter the user name and password you normally use to log on to your user account on the Raspberry Pi.

By default, these credentials are pi and raspberry, but hopefully you’ll have changed them to something more secure by now!