Reboot Raspberry Pi Automatically Daily

It is a nice thing we can restart/reboot the Raspberry Pi based on time that we scheduled it.

We can used Crontab in order to achieved that.

For example, we want our Raspberry Pi restart at  14:44 o’clock. We have to add following to the crontab of the root user (with sudo).

1. open the terminal.
2. Type: 
   sudo crontab -e
3. At the end of line, press ENTER/add a new line.
4. Write between them the command below: 
44 14 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r now
minute(m) hour(h) day_of_month(dom) month(mon) day_of_week(dow)

5. Now, the system should make every day at 14:44 o’clock a reboot.