How to install TinyOS-2.1.1 on Ubuntu 14.0.4 LTS 32-bit
Even TinyOS has been updated to version 3 but in terms of simulation, I found few limitations hindered one to simulate particularly on micaz platform.
I have been searching all over the web and other references how can get the simulation done on TinyOS on Ubuntu machine. I’ve tried using the tinyos github tree (https://github.com/tinyos), tinyprod (http://tinyprod.net/, http://tinyprod.net/repos/debian/, https://github.com/tinyprod/prod) for recent up-to-date development of TinyOS, or even the all suggested installation procedure from the official TinyOS site (http://tinyos.stanford.edu/tinyos-wiki/index.php/Installing_TinyOS) but seems bring me disappointment.
Some of the guides got me success on running the telosb motes (by using the MSP430 packages), but when it comes to simulation or running on micaz platform (using the AVR packages), it just seems doesn’t works. Therefore, after researching on ownself and trying with a mixture of installation steps, finally I managed to get the TinyOS installed on the Ubuntu 14 32bit machine. So far, I manage to get it works using the TinyOS version 2.1.1 because all the packages and toolchains are compatible with this version, while on the other hand, the current TinyOS 2.1.2 (with the Make system ver 3) still producing errors while hitting the command $make micaz sim! So, if you wish to have both simulation and real implementation of micaz and telosb platform running on your Ubuntu machine, I can offer you try on these guides. Click on the link given to start it works for you…
How to Install Tinyos-2.1.1 on Ubuntu14-32bit
Thanks for sharing. Any suggestion and comments, simply drop me an email at: yusnaidi.kl at utm.my
Hope it works for you as it works for me!
Knowing worth sharing.
Yusnaidi, UTM
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