Archives for July 31, 2019

Purposeful Leadership & Sustanability Talk by Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar

1. A good leader must have clear purpose, be visionary, articulate, authentic, enganging and hv unquestionable integrity

2. Be professional, honest, sincere and thruthful to your board, management colleagues n employees

3. Need for rejuvenation

Rule ofv thum, no one should be

in the sane role for more than ten years.If he/she good, then give him/her a bigger role

4. Need for diversity

Diversity in terms of skikks, gender, ethnicity, agenn nationality.

5. Need to be conscious about affinity, facouristism-cronyism-prejudice continuum

6. Giving the young people the opportunity to lead

7. Need to develop quality leaders in sufficient quantity