As an academician, I need to be aware and embrace the educational goals set by the institution. 

UTM has a holistic goals. So, what are the UTM Educational Goals? Here I list the UTM Educational Goals which were set by the UTM. These goals are rooted on four key foundations which are:


a) Visi dan Misi UTM dan empat (4) nilai teras utama UTM (Integrity, Synergy, Excellence, Sustainability – ISES)

UTM Vision and Mission and four (4) core values of UTM (Integrity, Synergy, Excellence, Sustainability – ISES)

b) Malaysian Qualification Framework (MQF) 2.0

c) UTM Graduate Attributes

d) 21st Century Education Framework


The Goals are:

1 Demonstrate knowledge and competency in various fields of study, appropriate research and professional practices, and the processes of critical thinking, creative
thinking, and problem-solving for universal well-being and prosperity

Mempamerkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran dalam pelbagai bidang pengajian, amalan penyelidikan dan profesional yang bersesuaian serta proses-proses pemikiran kritis,
pemikiran kreatif dan penyelesaian masalah untuk kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan sejagat.

2 Demonstrate high standard of ethical conduct, positive character, and societal responsibilities

Mempamerkan taraf etika yang tinggi, watak positif, dan tanggungjawab sosial

3 Appreciate and always be guided by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s core values of Integrity, Synergy, Excellence and Sustainability

Menghayati dan sentiasa berpandukan nilai-nilai teras Universiti Teknologi Malaysia iaitu integriti, sinergi, kecemerlangan dan kelestarian

4 Communicate and collaborate effectively with other professionals, and the society
Berkomunikasi dan bekerjasama secara berkesan dengan ahli profesional yang lain serta masyarakat

5 Demonstrate the ability to learn and grow profesionally and further contribute to the development of science, technology and engineering

Menunjukkan keupayaan untuk belajar dan meningkat secara profesional dan seterusnya menyumbang kepada pembangunan sains, teknologi dan kejuruteraan