Soul of Higher Learning

Another book entitled “Revitalizing the Soul of Higher Learning” who was written by Zaini Ujang, our former Vice Chancellor that was published in 2013. This book was suggested by Prof. Dr. Azlan Ab. Rahman.

The main important points including on what had transpired in UTM on the soul of academia as follows:

  1. strive and attempt to constantly enhance the levels of motivation, academic excellence, ability to implement, technical skills and management skills;
  2. do not expect too much short term rewards and interests. The best reward is an eternal one;
  3. have faith that the best contributions and good deeds are in the form of:                                                                                                                            (a) Specific good deeds: Tangible Key Amal Indicator (KAI) i.e. publications, research, Intellectual property, or                                     (b) General good deeds: Intangible KAI e.g. teamwork, knowledge culture, integrity, passion, entrepreneurship, etc;
  4. do not blow own trumpet following a success;
  5. look for ways and opportunities proactively to make contributions and offer the best services, instead of making excuses;
  6. use the KAI as an important instrument to steer individual activities to be in tandem; and
  7. KAI should not be misinterpreted or viewed from a quantitative angle, which led to performing daily tasks in a quantitative manner, being too calculative, forgetting spirits of volunteerism, solidarity, and sincerity, which cannot be equated in numerical indicators.