The Soul of A University

Let’s share a thought regarding on the soul of academia or university. I’m sharing a brief summary from a book written by Chris Brink, published on July 24, 2018. This book was recommended by Prof. Dr. Azlan Ab. Rahman.

Here is the link for the above mentioned book:,+chris+brink&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6kI2w_KfrAhUzzzgGHTiSBWwQ6AEwAHoECAQQAg#v=onepage&q=the%20soul%20of%20university%2C%20chris%20brink&f=false

This book is one of advocacy whereby it is a set of academic considerations based on the soul of a university. In a post-truth society, we need to keep up the search for truth and understanding, but we need to do so with a better insight of why we are doing it, and a clear commitment that academic excellence must respond to the challenges facing civil society.

In an age of global uncertainty and instability or known as fractured world, we are required to combat isolationism with the simple truth that your problem will no longer stop at my border, nor mine at yours. It is up to us to demonstrate that the world can still benefit from wandering scholars.