This Online Global Classroom program is one of UTM’s initiative to promote students mobility by conducting a virtual outbound and inbound mobility program.
UTM has invited 3 credible speakers to further share their insights on “Urban Governance & Development Management: Issues & Strategies”.
This sharing session was divided into three sessions. The first round was about “Promoting Land Administration and Management for Urban Governance”. The second topic was “Millennials and Urban Land Development Management” and the third speaker elaborated her expertise on “Land Rights: Connecting Land and Urban Development”.
Here is the short biography of the first speaker. Dr. Salfarina Samsudin is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). She received her doctorate from University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom in 2014. She is an active researcher in land administration fields and has published several papers and book chapters, and presented at local and international conferences.
Her main professional and academic interests are in the fields of land policy and governance, property rights and land taxation. She is a member of the Land Administration and Development Studies Group at UTM. Currently she works closely with several local and international agencies like Land and Mines Department of Johor, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and World Bank.
A brief info about the second speaker, Dr. Nandi is an assistant professor at Department of Geography Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung, West Java, Indonesia since 2005.
In 2003, he received a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Geography Education, Indonesia University of Education (UPI). Then, in 2009, he received master in urban and regional planning from University of Groningen, Netherlands and from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). In 2015, he successfully completed his doctoral degree in Geography with specialization in Geophysics and Geo sciences from University of Leipzig Germany.
Dr. Nandi does research in Geography, Geomorphology and Remote Sensing. Currently he’s doing research in rural urban education and Mapping of the level of vulnerability of the region to the pandemic of Covid-19. His most recent publication is ‘Urban Sprawl Development in Eastern Bandung Region’.
Next, let’s get to know a bit about the third speaker. Dr Farah Zaini is a lecturer in Development Planning and Management program at Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UNIMAS. She received her doctoral degree in Land Administration and Development at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2017.
Her research interest is in land administration focusing on land law and policy, also the urban and rural studies. She is actively involved in community development program especially in rural area of Sarawak since 2018.
In recent years, she was collaborated with prestigious institutions for research and invited speaker such as Tongji University, China, Conventry University, UK, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia and Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
Currently, her work focus on land administration and GIS for land tenure and property right in Sarawak particularly for water settlement area.
Full report is available in UTMNewshub. Please click here