free food for iftar

Alhamdulillah, almost 110 KTC’s students were received free food for iftar from UTM Waqf Endowment at S01 based on stipulated schedule. This program has three phases starting on 20 April, 27 April, and 04 May 2021. Actually, this program is sub program of Riang Ria Ramadhan Raya (RIRIRARA) organised by MPP UTM in collaboration with JKM KTC, JKM KTDI, and JKM KTHO.

iftar jamaie

Alhamdulillah, in this holy month, Ramadhan Kareem, able to read al-Mathurat before Maghrib, having mega iftar jamaie, and perform solat terawih together with Majlis Felo KTC and KTC’s students who still stay in the college.