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ATU-Net Virtual UPF 2020

Impact of COVID-19 to Academia:

  1. Potential for university transformation
  2. Flexibility of work and learning modes
  3. Integration of virtual elements into regular education
  4. Risk management capacities
  5. Building stronger community
  6. Opening up to virtual and blended types of mobility.

Source: Alfonsas Daniunas, a Professor from Vilginius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania


Areas of Specialization:

  1. Land Administration and Development Studies
  2. Heritage Studies (Valuation and Investment)
  3. Law of Succession (Faraid)
  4. Islamic Wealth Management (Wasiyah, Wisoyah,Waqf, Harta Sepencarian)
  5. Estate Administration (Inheritance of Property)
  6. Housing Development Law


Supervise 5 UG students in Land Administration & Development Studies namely:

  1. Fikriah Huda binti Masri: 
  2. Mohd Alif bin Che Azmi
  3. Nur Adrina binti Salman
  4. Lim Jia Urn
  5. Nursyakirin Shariffuddin

Normally, we have face-to-face discussion but starting Movement Control Order due to the outbreak of pandemic COVID-19, we tried to conduct the virtual discussion. It is a fruitful discussion since we shared all information together for preparing the FYP presentation.


Scopus Indexed Conference:

  1. Mohammad Tahir Sabit Mohammad and Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi. (2015). The Possible Conflicts of Property Rights Affecting The Distribution of Estates Muslims. Proceedings of The 26th International Business Information Management Association Conference-Innovation Management and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage: From Regional Development to Global Growth, IBIMA, Madrid, Spain (11-12 November 2015), pages 4035-4048.                           

Refereed Conference:

  1. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi. (2019). Development of Pearson Correlation Analysis on The Factors Causing Unclaimed, Late Claimed, and Delayed Distribution of Muslim Estate. International Conference on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technologies. (27th -28th December 2019). Design for Scientific Renaissance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (The paper later has been accepted to be published in the International Journal on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technology).,%20Late%20Claimed,%20and%20Delayed%20Distribution%20of%20Muslim%20Estate.pdf
  2. Normayuni Mat Zin, Suriatini Ismail, Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi, Junainah Mohamad, and Nurul Hana Adi Maimun. (2018). Critical Determinants of Heritage Property Value: A Conceptual Framework. 9th International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS) Proceeding. 23rd – 25th April 2018. Institut Penilaian Negara (INSPEN), Selangor.
  3. Normayuni Mat Zin, Suriatini Ismail, Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi (2018). Ascertaining the Economic Sustainability of Heritage Property Market based on Sales Transaction Analysis. 6th AMER International Conference on Quality of Life (AicQoL). 3rd – 4th March 2018. Perhentian Island, Malaysia. (This paper received Best Paper Award: Top 6).
  4. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi and Suriatini Ismail. (2017). A Paradigm Shift from Contingent Valuation Method to Spatial Hedonic Modelling for Heritage Property Valuation. International Academic Conference on Business and Economics (IACBE) 7-8 October 2017. Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (FESP) Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Terengganu, pages 1-5. ISBN: 978-967-0899-77-0.
  5. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi and Suriatini Ismail. (2017). Enticement of Local Authority and Investors to Partake in the Sustainability of Heritage Property. ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC) 1-2 May 2017. Faculty Alam Bina (FAB) UTM, pages 1-5.                     
  6. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi, and Mohammad Tahir Sabit Haji Mohammad. (2013). A Proposal for a Single Tribunal of Estates Distribution. International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities (4TH IGCESH). Proceeding 16-17 April 2013. N24 Hall UTM, pages 1278-1291. (The paper later has been invited to be published in Jurnal Teknologi).
  7. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi and Mohammad Tahir Sabit Haji Mohammad. (2012). The Possible Conflicts of Property Rights Affecting The Distribution of Estates Muslims. International Real Estate Conference (INTEREC). Proceeding 9-11 June 2012. Grand Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  8. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi and Mohammad Tahir Sabit Haji Mohammad. (2011). The Causes of Unclaimed, Late Claimed or Distributed Estates of Deceased Muslims in Malaysia. IPEDR Volume 10 of International Conference of Economics Development and Research (ICSEP) Proceeding 17-19 June 2011. Mines Wellness Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. IACSIT Press Singapore.
  9. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi and Mohammad Tahir Sabit Haji Mohammad, Aminah Mohsin, and Jivasangeeta a/p Narayanasamy. (2010). The Administrative Mechanism for Estate Distribution of Muslims in Contemporary Malaysian Reality. 2nd Social Sciences Postgraduate National Seminar (SSPNS). Proceeding 22-23 November 2010. Berjaya Georgetown Hotel, Penang. School of Social Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  10. Aminah Mohsin, Mohammad Tahir Sabit Mohammad, Jivasangeeta a/p Narayanasamy, Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi, and Wilson Rangga. Review of Waqf Capital-Raising, Financing and Investment Methods in Malaysia. 2nd Social Sciences Postgraduate National Seminar (SSPNS). Proceeding 22-23 November 2010. Berjaya Georgetown Hotel, Penang. School of Social Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  11. Jivasangeeta a/p Narayanasamy, Mohammad Tahir Sabit Mohammad, Aminah Mohsin, Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi, and Wilson Rangga. Review of Club Theory in Context of Effective and Efficient Security Management in Gated and Guarded Community. 2nd Social Sciences Postgraduate National Seminar (SSPNS). Proceeding 22-23 November 2010. Berjaya Georgetown Hotel, Penang. School of Social Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia.


Principal Investigator:


  1. UTM Encouragement Grant (UTMER): Developing A New Spatial Model for Measuring the Value of Pre-war Shophouses in Thin Heritage Property Market.


  1. Business Entity (BE): Peningkatan Sahsiah Pelajar Tahfiz Menerusi Program Kembara Tahfiz 2.0.



  1. UTM Encouragement Research Grant (UTMER): Situation Factor Influence House Purchase Decision.


  1. Networking Grant (NG): Sub Projek 3- Persepsi dan Kesedaran Komuniti Setempat Terhadap Kepentingan Hutan Rekreasi.
  2. UTM Prototype Research Grant (UTMPR): Shariah Compliance Tenancy Agreement Prototype of Property Management for Waqf Properties.
  3. UTMIcon 5.3: Sea Level Rise Impact on the Malaysian Coastal Property Market.


Scopus Indexed Journal:

  1. Normayuni Mat Zin, Suriatini Ismail, Junainah Mohamad, Nurul Hana Adi Maimun, and Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi. (2019). Critical Determinants of Heritage Property Value: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners 17 (1), 219-231. ISSN: 0128-0945. Malaysian Institute of Planners.
  2. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi, Suriatini Ismail, Rosdi Ab. Rahman, Mohammad Tahir Sabit Mohammad, and Junainah Mohammad. (2018). A Sustainable Model for Heritage Property: An Integrative Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (3.21), 274-280. ISSN: 2227-524X. Science Publishing Corporation. Publishers of International Academic Journals. United Arab Emirates.
  3. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi and Mohammad Tahir Sabit Mohammad. (2015). A Proposal for a Single Tribunal of Estates Distribution in Malaysia. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 75 (10), 1–16. eISSN 2180-3722. Penerbit UTM Press, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

ScienceOpen and DOAJ Indexed Journal:

  1. Normayuni Mat Zin, Suriatini Ismail, Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi (2018). Ascertaining the Economic Sustainability of Heritage Property Market based on Sales Transaction Analysis. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 3 (7), 247–254. ISSN: 2398-4287. E-International Publishing House Ltd. United Kingdom.                                                                                               

Non-Indexed Journal:

  1. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi. (2020). Evaluation of The Causes of Unclaimed, Late Claimed, and Delayed Distribution of Muslim Estate using Documentary and Pearson Correlation Analysis. International Journal on Islamic Applications in Computer Science and Technology, 8 (2), 25-36. ISSN 22894012. Design for Scientific Renaissance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  2. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi, Suriatini Ismail, Nurul Hana Adi Maimun, and Junainah Mohammad (2019). A Systematic Review on Spatial-Based Valuation Approach for Built Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 13 (2), 59-70. ISSN: 1832-8505. Centre for Real Estate Studies, Institute for Smart Infrastructure and Innovative Constructions (ISIIC), Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  3. Fatin Afiqah Md. Azmi. (2014). A Review and Preliminary Evaluation of Malaysian Estates Distribution Process. Jurnal Pentadbiran Tanah, 4 (1), 113-134. ISSN 2231-9190. Jabatan Ketua Pengarah Tanah dan Galian Persekutuan Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Putrajaya, Malaysia.


Kelab Lambaian Masyarakat (KLM) was organised “Peningkatan Sahsiah Pelajar Tahfiz Menerusi Program Kembara Tahfiz 2.0″ on 12th – 13th March 2020 at Astana Hall, Kolej Tuanku Canselor, UTM.

This program was participated by 24 Tahfiz students and monitored by 29 committees including facilitators. This was the last program held by KLM before the pandemic of COVID19.

Here is the short video of this program.



The committee members of Kolej Tuanku Canselor (KTC)’s Fellow.


Before the Closing Ceremony of Royal Engineering Festival (REF) on 7th March 2020 at Astana Hall, Kolej Tuanku Canselor, UTM. The ceremony was officiated by the Deputy Vice- Chancellor (Student Affairs) , Prof. Dr. Durrishah binti Idrus.


During the Closing Ceremony of Royal Engineering Festival (REF), sponsored by Top Glove.


Award Received:

1. Dean Award Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, UTM, Johor. 2010
2. Academic Award: Excellence (Grade B1) Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, UTM, Johor. 2016
3. Best Paper Award: Top 6 Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers (AMER), Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians (ABRA) and Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies (cE-Bs), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, UiTM. 2018
4. Silver Award


Research & Innovation Carnival, Dewan Tuanku Canselor, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan 2020