Characterization @nanoscale

Characterizatio @nanoscale

Characterization -to understand the material.

Observation -to look

Brief history of material sc.

600bc to 1500 ad

1600 to 1800 ad -elements chemixal reaction

1800 ad molecules periodic table

1900 atoms quantum theory

2000 age of impurities.

Why nanoscale characterization

Everything made by elements

Wide variety of new material


Mechanidal, Electrical, Thermal, Chemical, Magnetic, Optical, Acoustic, radiological.

Material properties is depend on material

In periodic table about 100 elements . Not include the composite oxide alloy.


Bottom up, vice versa ( top down)

Om -sem-tem

Influence of process on the properties and microstructure connect how its related.


Structures types

Electronics – electron , bonding


Crystal single cryst

micro and


Nano and pico is the keyword for the 21 century.

Impurity and defects

Real live no perfect material

Impurity effect the properties



Aging effect

Longer period degrade properties.

Corrosion oxidation



Properties Strong depend on temp.


Kredit to

Prof Kenji Kaneko

Kyushu University Japan

3 Dimensional charactirization nanomaterial using STEM

Using STEM to produce 3D

Produce the 3d using depth and overlap each image.

In 2D we dont know cubic or rhombohedral or plate like.

Precipitates shows point like contrast while dislocation can be seen a connection line from precipitates.

Need to know the distance precipitates in order to measure the distance of 3d.

By titling the sample it will produce the depth.





Three-Dimensional Nano-Characterization of Various Materials by Combination of (S)TEM and Computed Tomography

Dear All

Prof. Dr. Kenji Kaneko of Kyushu University, Japan will visit MJIIT next week.
He will kindly deliver a talk on nano-characterization of functional materials by using advanced techniques. All of you are invited to the Colloquium which will take place on the 9th August (Thu) 2018. Encourage your colleagues and students to join the colloquium.
Colloquium: Organized by Nano3 and Microscopy Lab, MJIIT
Speaker:      Prof. Dr. Kenji Kaneko
Dept. Mater Sci and Eng. and Ultramicroscopy Research Center, Kyushu Univ. Japan
Title of talk:     Three-Dimensional Nano-Characterization of Various Materials by Combination of (S)TEM and Computed Tomography
Keywords:     Latest technique, TEM-STEM, Nano-characterization, Computer tomography, Functional materials
Time and Date:     11:00 – 12:00 the 9th August (Thu), 2018
Venue: Seminar Room of MOT (Rm# 10-44-01) of MJIIT, UTM-KL (Jln Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100 KL)
Thank you in advance.
Noriyuki Kuwano
Head of Nano3 i-Kohza, MJIIT
Head of Microscopy Lab, MJIIT

Penasihat Akademik

Mulai dari semester 1 sesi 2018-2019. Proses pembentangan markah tidak lagi dibuat berdasarkan kepada melihat kepada status keputusan peperiksaan seperti KB, KS etc.

Penasihat Akademik (PA) akan bentang sendiri markah pelajar bawah mereka dan berbincang mengenai JKD dan JKK masa itu, status subjek gagal etc.

Keputusan yang kurang daripada 2.0 kita akan panggil parents untuk berbincang untuk tindakan susulan terhadap anak mereka. Jika didapati keputusan 0.2 menandakan pelajar sudah diberhentikan.

Boleh lihat di AIMSWEB maklumat pelajar dibawah kita.

JKD =jumlah kredit dapat. Dia register dan lulus maksudnya direkodkan kredit itu. Kalau tak lulus kredit subjek itu tak direkod atau tak dapat kredit.

JKK= jumlah kredit kira.

Sepatutnya JKD sama banyak dengan JKK pada peringkat pelajar masih tahun 3. Selepas pelajar membuat Latihan Industri (LI) iaitu 6 kredit. Kita akan dapati ada penambahan 6 kredit lebih pada JKD berbanding JKK. Situasi ini boleh dilihat pada senarai nama pelajar yang sudah masuk tahun 4 pengajian.

Situasi dimana JKD kurang dari JKK. Itu maknanya pelajar mempunyai subjek yang dia telah gagal. Kalau beza 3 kredit maksudnya 1 subjek dia gagal.

Kalau JKD tinggi dari JKK maknanya student dah buat industrial training. Yg mana dia dapat kredit tp tak dikira markah.

Kalau JKK dah banyak terlampau tinggi. Mungkin pelajar dah ulang subjek yg UG tetapi dia tak tick pada status UG atau UM. Sebab itu pengiraan kredit jadi berganda.

Norm Kredit= jumlah kredit yg perlu student dpt utk graduate. Sepatutnya 138 kredit.

Tugas  PA semak JKD dan JKK …kalau berbeza kenal pasti bil kredit yg kurang dan semak di AIMS subjek mana yg gagal dan buat study plan utk student bila dia kena ambil subjek tersebut.

JKD bileh lebih atau kurang dari JKK.

Kalau kurang dari JKK maksudnya ada subjek fail. Kalau lebih dia mesti dah tahun 4 yg mana dah ambil industrial training. Yg sebanyak 6 kredit.

First week academic session kita akan buat meeting bersama student utk mendapat perkembangan semasa student.




Bagaimana menangani tekanan

Minum kopi kurang dari 3 cawan

Bad mood – makan vanilla ice cream

1 cawan susu suam dengan kurma dan blend.

Serap vitamin D sekitar 6-8pg di persekitaran.

Perlu ada tingkap diruang kerja.

Ibu mengandung jangan buat refleksologi.

Urut budak kecik kita. Dan peluk mereka.

2-3 pagi buat solat dan bukan muslim buat yoga.



Kenali personaliti

How do you know yourself?

Setengah penuh atau setengah kosong?

Every human being is different.

Individual personality is influent by

1. Biology


3.Social interaction

4. Individual character.

5. Culcure.

Mengawal perhubungan dengan menguasai personaliti.

Mengenali dan perhatikan bahasa tubuh. Perhatikan penampilan luaran. Perhatikan sevarang gerakan tubuh. Perhatikan riak wajah.

Ada sempadan -bila bercakap sambil pegang atau peluk beg, buku depan kita.

Tak mudah mereka share terutama pelajar engineering sains student.

Kena faham perbezaan generasi.




Assalamualaikum wr wbt & Greetings.

Dear Lecturers / Academic Advisors,

You are cordially invited to “We Care, We Assist” Workshop and Academic Advisor’s Roles Workshop that will be held as follows:

Date : 7 August 2018 (Tuesday)
Time : 10.00 am – 1.00 pm (Morning Session)
2.30 pm – 5.00 pm (Afternoon Session)
Venue : Language Lab 3, Level 2, MJIIT

All lecturers are invited. Attendance are compulsory for all Academic Advisors. Your cooperation and attendance are greatly appreciated.

Programme Tentative:

Morning Session
Speaker: Mdm. Nurzimazaihan binti Pi’i
(Psychology Officer, Pusat Kaunseling, UTM KL)

  • 10.00 am – 10.30 am    Introduction, Roles of Pusat Kaunseling UTMKL and Academic Advisors
  • 10.30 am – 11.30 am    Self-Personality and Listening Skill
  • 11.30 am – 1.00 pm    Stress, Depression and Anxiety, Sharing Is Caring, Stress Management

Afternoon Session
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Azwadi Che Sidik

(Deputy Dean Academic & Student Development)

  • 2.30 pm – 5.00 pm    Briefing on Roles of Academic Advisor in Students Academic Matters

3D Printer For Dummies

3D printer for the beginner or people who want to learn.

What can be 3D printed?
Basically anything that you want. Any solid object you can print out.

Famous 3D printers
MakerBot, Ultimaker.
This printers are quite expensive but can produce high quality. They both are not suitable for beginners.

3D Printing Process.
We need to follow some procedure in order to 3D print. Always start with 3D CAD model. 3 Dimensional model on computer of the object you want to print. From there you export that model as a dot stl (.stl) file (stereolithography file). And from there you can import into a slicing software whereby you edit layer, tool path, temperature, color, how fast you want to print etc. Next to send the code that the slicer makes in a dot gcode file of the 3D printer. Click print and wait for the 3D print object out.

How do 3D printers work?
You can see the detail explanation HERE

Filament types
Most people print in PLA due to less toxic, more color options. HERE for more filament types

Computer Aided Design (CAD) Software.