Saint Venant Kinematic Wave Equations

Saint Venant Kinematic Wave Equations
Saint Venant equations are time dependent partial differential equations which describe the distribution of flow as a function of distance x along the channel and time t. The equations were first derived by Barre de Saint-Venant in 1871 (Vieux, 1990). The equations were derived by considering the two conservation laws which are the conservation of mass and the conservation of momentum. The derivations of the equations from Reynolds transport theorem have been detailed in Chow et al. (1988) which are given herein in Appendix A. The final forms of the partial differential equations are given as follows.

Equation of Mass
where A is the cross-sectional area of the flow, Q is the flow rate and q (x) is the forcing term (i.e. precipitation, lateral flow).

Equation of Momentum
1/A ∂Q/∂t+1/A ∂/∂x (Q^2/A)+g ∂y/∂x-g(S_o-S_f )=0
where S_0 is the bed slope and S_f is the frictional slope, whilst y and g are the depth of water and gravitational pull, respectively. The complete form of Eq. (2) is termed as full dynamics equation. If the first two terms on the left hand side of the equation are omitted, we then obtain diffusive equation.
However, Eq. (2) can be further approximated when it is assumed that S_o=S_f. This is known as the kinematics wave assumption (Vieux, 1988; Singh, 2003). This condition can be equivalently treated in Manning form as

α = (ηP^(2/3)/(1.49√(S_o )))^0.6
η = Manning roughness coefficient
P = wetted perimeter
S_o = bed slope
β = 0.6

Eq. (1) and (3) are the Saint Venant Kinematic Wave equations. By combining Eq. (1) and Eq. (3), the following equation can be obtained.
∂Q/∂t+1/αβ Q^((1-β) ) ∂Q/∂x=q
By discretizing (4) in time by forward-difference, we obtain
(Q^(t+1)-Q^t)/∆t+1/αβ Q^((1-β),t+1) (∂Q^(t+1))/∂x=q^(t+1)

where t+1 and t refers to present and previous time-step, respectively. Rearranging gives
Q^(t+1)+∆t/αβ Q^((1-β),t+1) (∂Q^(t+1))/∂x-Q^t=q^(t+1)



Malaysian Society for Numerical Methods (MSNM) is a society registered under Registry of Societies Malaysia, started on 16th November 2017. Our aim is to advance the knowledge and technologies on numerical methods for our nation.

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Stop being like a Frog in a well

Pepatah ni asalnya dari Chinese Proverb yang di guna pakai seluruh dunia untuk menegur seseorang supaya dia keluar dari zone keselesaannya. Penggunaan ‘Katak’ di sini bermaksud seseorang yang tidak mempunyai cita-cita yang tinggi dan mudah puas dengan apa yang ada disekelilingnya. Just imagine the ‘katak’ tinggal dalam perigi dan merasakan perigi itu sudah cukup luas dan cukup besar untuk dirinya. Sedangkan hakikat sebenar kehidupan diluar perigi lebih luas dan lebih besar dengan pelbagai hukum alam yang ada.

SO .. dengan menggunakan idiom ini, saya sering menasihat pelajar kelas saya supaya tidak cukup merasa puas dengan apa yang ada dan sentiasa memberi peluang pada diri sendiri untuk meneroka lebih jauh, mempelajari pelbagai ilmu dan melihat bahawa dunia ini bukan sekadar di Malaysia tetapi seluruh alam ciptaan Tuhan.

Saya sering katakan pada mereka…

“Try new thing, try everything and keep learning and never stop reading because when you learn more you will understand more. Don’t afraid to fail and getting hurts because it is part of learning and it will give you experience and with that it will help you understand life and be mature and help you in discoveries new thing.”

What I wish by saying all this in hopefully my student will become someone who success in their life.