Here I would like to share you a video by Matt Anticole who explain the difference between a scientific law and theory. The video makes it much easier in explaining the difference.
“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries.” – Descartes
Here I would like to share you a video by Matt Anticole who explain the difference between a scientific law and theory. The video makes it much easier in explaining the difference.
Apabila kita ingin membangunkan laman web, kita kena mengetahui perisian yang sesuai. Sekarang telah banyak dibangunkan perisian yang boleh diguna sebagai asas pemulaan kepada pembangunan laman web. Di sini akan diterangkan dengan ringkas perisian asas yang digunakan dalam pembangunan laman web.
1.Text Editor
Ini adalah perisian yang digunakan untuk menulis kod aturcara (source coding). Terdapat banyak text editor yang boleh digunapakai seperti CoffeeCup, Brackets, Visual Studio Code dan lain-lain. Penggunaan Office document editor tidak digalakkan kerana kebergantungan perisian ini dengan element tersembunyi yang kebanyakkannya tidak sesuai dengan enjin penjana yang diguna pakai oleh pelayar web (web server).
2. Pelayar Web (Web Server)
Ini digunakan untuk memaparkan hasil yang dibangunkan. Sekarang ini pelayar web yang biasa digunakan adalah Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera dan Internet Explorer.
3. Editor Grafik
Digunakan untuk menghasilkan grafik yang akan digunakan di dalam laman web yang akan dibangunkan. Terdapat beberapa contoh perisian grafik editor yang boleh digunapakai seperti GIMP, Paint.NET atau Photoshop.
Dan banyak lagi namun begitu perisian yang di nyatakan di atas sudah memadai untuk memulakan pembangunan laman web yang mudah.
Now let see when Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter do their hypothesis.
Happy watching and try to understand what they say.
In Research and Methodology class, the first topic in the subject is to discuss what is a hypothesis, theory and law. This is to know the difference between these three and by knowing the difference we will understand what these three is all about. So here, let see what other people say about hypothesis, theory and law.
There are hierarchy between these three and other people shows it in the pyramid image as shows below
As we can see Law is above everything and hypothesis is the lowest among these three although it is above observation. While Theory is in between Law and Hypothesis. Now what is the difference between Law and Theory. Here the picture shows the difference between these two.
So that’s it! I hope it helps you to slightly understand what is different between Hypothesis, Theory and Law.