System of Linear Equations & Matrices

Matrix operations

The basic operation for Matrices involve operations such as matrix addition, scalar multiplication, transposition, matrix multiplication, row operations, and submatrix.[.

As usual, I will share some youtube video that talks about this topic which I think it can help you to have an understanding of this topic.

Below is how to get the transpose of the matrix.


The determinant of a matrix is a special number that can be calculated from a square matrix

What is it for?
1.Useful for solving linear equations
2.Use in finding the inverse of a matrix
3. And in solving the calcalus problems and many more…

The symbol for determinant is two vertical lines either side. Example:

|A| means the determinant of the matrix A (Exactly the same symbol as absolute value.)

System of Linear Equations & Matrices (2)


Here is some youtube video that talks about the topic that we can see so that we can have a deep understanding of the subject.
I think if you want to know more, you can just go to youtube and search matrices. Now we can learn anything with the power of the internet. So if you still not understand, don’t stop here, go and explore more.

Software Engineering Program Modules

Discrete Structure
Programming Technique I
Digital Logic
Technology & Information System
Graduate Success Attributes
The Thought of Sciences and Technology (Local Students Only)
Malaysia Dynamic (Local Students Only)
Malaysia Language for Communication (International Students Only)
Malaysian Studies 3 (International Students Only)

Semester 2
Computational Mathematics
Probability & Statistical Data Analysis
Programming Technique II
Computer Organisation and Architecture
English Communication Skills
Falsafah dan Isu Semasa (Local Students Only)
The Thought of Sciences and Technology (International Students Only)
Falsafah dan Isu Semasa (International Students Only)
Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban (International Students Only)

Semester 3
System Analysis and Design
Data Structure and Algorithm
Network Communications
Human Computer Interaction
Service Learning Co-curriculum Elective

Semester 4
Software Engineering
Web Programming
Operating Systems
Object Oriented Programming
Academic Communication Skills
Elective Courses – Choose 1
• Requirements Engineering & Software Modelling
• Software Project Management

Semester 5
Professional Communication Skills
Foreign Language Elective
Extracurricular Experiential Learning
Elective Courses – Choose 4
• Applications Development
• Artificial Intelligence
• Internet Programming
• Software Design & Architecture
• Knowledge-Based & Expert Systems

Semester 6
Software Engineering Project I
Theory of Computer Science
Elective Courses – Choose 4
• Software Quality Assurance
• Computational Intelligence
• Mobile Application Programming
• Special Topic in Software Engineering
• Web Technology

Semester 7
Industrial Training (HW)
Industrial Training Report

Semester 8
Software Engineering Project II
Technopreneurship Seminar
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban (Local Students Only)
Elective Courses – Choose 2
Software Construction
Real-Time Software Engineering
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering