System of Linear Equations & Matrices

Matrix operations

The basic operation for Matrices involve operations such as matrix addition, scalar multiplication, transposition, matrix multiplication, row operations, and submatrix.[.

As usual, I will share some youtube video that talks about this topic which I think it can help you to have an understanding of this topic.

Below is how to get the transpose of the matrix.


The determinant of a matrix is a special number that can be calculated from a square matrix

What is it for?
1.Useful for solving linear equations
2.Use in finding the inverse of a matrix
3. And in solving the calcalus problems and many more…

The symbol for determinant is two vertical lines either side. Example:

|A| means the determinant of the matrix A (Exactly the same symbol as absolute value.)

10 Replies to “System of Linear Equations & Matrices”

  1. 2nd March 2020 – 5:45pm