Cerpen Komik 2024
Asean-IVO Project 2024
ASEAN IVO is an ICT Virtual Organization of ASEAN Institutes, and NICT is a global alliance of ICT R&D institutes and universities in the ASEAN region and Japan. In a groundbreaking move towards agricultural innovation, the NICT ASEAN-IVO PJ2022 Project on Agricultural IoT based on Edge Computing reached a significant milestone during its second meeting held in Malaysia from January 15th to 17th, 2024. (Further reading )

Foot-Operated Sanitizer Dispenser for Community during Covid-19
MySIGHT Rural Technology Group which is a group of researchers from Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics developed a foot-operated sanitizer dispenser and distributed several units to the community during the Covid-19 movement control order (MCO). Click or copy and paste the link to view https://news.utm.my/ms/2020/05/covid-19-ftir-cipta-dispenser-sanitizer-kendalian-kaki/