Alhamdulillah .. Komuniti mendapat manfaat
Eid-Ul- Adha
Berkorban bermakna meletakan kecintaan kepada Allah pada tempat yang paling Agung dengan mengenepikan kepentingan diri malah sehingga merelakan haq diabaikan.
Community Based Facilities Management for Strata Community
Facilities management has been primarily seen from business, industry and public service perspectives, and in different organisational and market settings. Facilities management adds value, not only by increasing the economic viability of development but also by delivering social and environmental benefits. Whilst the existence of these benefits has been increasingly acknowledged across some stakeholder groups – by investors, developers, designers, occupiers, public authorities and everyday users (Price, 2002) they must also be extended to the community and society. The role of facilities management to be seen in this broader context and advances the argument that, for facilities management to retain its relevance as a profession, strengthen its position and maintain its influence (Alexander, 2003b). Within this context research on Strata Communities have been developed to position Facilities Management roles as a change agent. The aim is to uplift people or community wellbeing.
Facilities management has become a major issue in any organisation as it affects the organisation’s performance. Research on the interrelatedness of the physical and social environments as complex contributors to individual motivation and satisfaction is still relatively limited and certainly was not has been part of ‘mainstream management studies’ (Sapri, Kaka and Finch, 2008). This issue behold also to the school environment. However, there are establishing literatures that the classroom environment effect students’ attendance and academic achievement in school (Leung and Fung, 2005; Lyons, 2001; McGowen, 2007; Earthman, 2002; Stockard & Mayberry, 1992). Uline and Tschannen (2008) confirmed a link between the quality of classroom facilities and student achievement in English and Mathematics subjects in US schools. They concluded that there was a need to invest in replacing and/or renovating inadequate facilities. Hence, to achieve a good quality of students’ attendance and academic achievement, classroom facilities in school should be fit for their purpose and perform well. Therefore, classroom facilities performance should be measured to determine the facilities’ effectiveness. Leung and Fung (2005) stated that school facilities must be periodically evaluated in order to ensure quality student education. Therefore, research is needed to identify the KPIs of classroom facilities for improving students’ attendance and academic achievement. This research will contribute to the understanding of the fundamental issues in measuring facilities performance, particularly in the school setting. Research conducted by Sapri et al. (2008) postulated that identifying performance indicators is a prerequisite in measuring facilities performance. Hence, this research aims to identify the KPIs, their indicators and components in measuring school classroom facilities performance which influence students’ attendance and academic achievement. This research will be use questionnaire survey and interview to investigate student’s opinions on facilities performance criteria. It is anticipated that the research findings avail a set of school classroom facilities KPIs for improving students’ attendance and academic achievement.
Index Syariah Malaysia : UTM Research Team With PM!

Sustainable Mosque Management
In regards to the issue faced by the mosque management, a holistic approach in
managing mosque facilities is viewed as a way of improvement in upgrading mosque
performance. It is suggested that, in order to play the roles and enhance performance,
mosque requires outstanding sustainable management of it facilities to well-attain its core
business objectives.
Further reading, please click this link:
Mosque Facilities Services
Buildings as the main facility in which the mosque service is performed, delivered and consumed have the potential to make significant difference especially to a congregation’s experience. Meeting the needs of congregational is essential for achieving satisfaction with their experience. The more mosques could provide facilities and services that meet the needs and expectation of congregation; the more satisfied they will be.