UTM komited wujudkan ekosistem terbaik lahirkan bakat berprestasi tinggi

Me in the middle reciting the “oath of allegiance” after the formal career promotion ceremony πŸ™‚

Majlis Bersama Naib Canselor edisi Jun pada kali ini telah dihadiri oleh seramai 3,960 orang staf UTM dari Kampus Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur dan Pagoh.1

Dalam tempoh enam bulan pertama tahun 2024, warga UTM telah mencapai pelbagai kejayaan signifikan termasuklah pelancaran Fakulti Kecerdasan Buatan yang pertama di Malaysia dan Konsortium Kecerdasan Buatan Malaysia (MAIC) yang telah pun direalisasikan pada 10 Mei yang lalu di Pusat Dagangan Dunia (WTC) Kuala Lumpur.

Menurut Naib Canselor UTM, Prof. Datuk Ir. Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi bin Ismail, UTM mencatatkan kadar Kebolehpasaran Graduan (GE) yang mencapai 100% bagi 2023 selain mengungguli kategori pendapatan premium serta berkemahiran tinggi dalam kalangan universiti awam di Malaysia.

Ikuti berita penuh di https://news.utm.my/…/utm-komited-wujudkan-ekosistem…/

Sumber FB page UTM

Kunjungan Dato Naib Canselor ke FABU pada 13 Mei 2024

Warga Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur amat berbesar hati menerima kunjungan YBhg. Prof. Datuk Ir. Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi bin Ismail, Naib Cancelor UTM, YBrs. Prof. Dr. Mohd Shafry bin Mohd Rahim, Timbalan Naib Canselor Akademik & Antarabangsa UTM, serta delegasi beliau ke Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur pada 13 Mei 2024.

Sumber FB page Pejabat Strategi dan Hal-ehwal Korporat UTM

Internship Visit to TNB Distribution, Bangi – Oct 22

On Oct 22, I travelled to TNB DIstribution Bangi for the internship visit. Three students are involved. I was greeted by the Head of GIS, TNBD, Mr Had Kadir and of course Mr Nik Fadhil, one of my student a long time ago. So glad to see the advancement of GIS at TNBD. I knew that those students obtained many experiences especially when handling the real projects.

Engagement Meeting with MySA – Oct 22

On Oct 22, three representatives from UTM FABU headed by Dr Imzan Hassan, Mr Wan Hazli Wan Kadir and me, myself went to MySA in KL for an engagement meeting. Chairing the meeting is Mr Azlikamil Napiah, the Director General himself. We discussed some way forward for both UTM FABU and MySA to foster more research and project in the field of GIS and Remote Sensing.

Diskusi Halatuju Alam Sekitar Bersama NGO – organized by Yayasan Strategik Lestari (YSL) – Sept 23

Was invited to the above event by YSL given the capacity as their Research Fellow. The venue was Kompleks Parlimen Malaysia. The event provides valuable views and insights on the environment and climate change from various NGOs. The event was officiated by YB Dato Seri Tuan Ibrahim Bin Tuan Man as the Shadow Minister for Environment, Science and Commodity.

End of Academic Year Lunch Event at Seri Malaysia JB for PPKI SK Taman Universiti 1 – Feb 23

As the chair for Permuafakatan PPKI SKTU1 (a subset under PIBG), I was given the opportunity for a speech during this event. These are the gorgeous kids, Zaki’s colleague. Hopefully their parents are given the utmost patience when raising these anak syurga insyaALlah.

Representing UTM FABU at the Program Aspirasi Geospatial Negeri Perak 2023 – Sept 23

UTM FABU, as the consultant of Unit PerakGIS, UPEN Perak was invited to open a booth, we really take this opportunity to promote several GIS/geospatial program, undergraduate and postgraduate. We also highlighted our research strength and projects we handle throughout the nation.

I was also given the opportunity to chair a forum session which focuses on the digitalisation effort to ensure the food security aspect. Another forum on geospatial data sharing was chaired bt our fellow colleague, Dr Azman Ariffin.

Appointed Research Fellow at Yayasan Strategik Lestari (YSL) – Sept 2022

Thank you for the opportunity. Find out more on YSL at https://www.yslestari.org.my/

GIS course in Miri Sarawak – Dec 23

Alhamdulillah, and yet again we are invited to organize a GIS course Level 2 for the Department of Forestry Sarawak. Happy to see some familiar faces among the participants. There were 4 of us who came as a speaker – Dr Zamri Ismail, Dr Norhakim Yusof, PM Mohamad Nor Said and me myself. This is an intermediate course therefore the topic is somewhat advance.

A Visit to Curtin University Malaysia, Miri – Dec 23

When in Miri, Sarawak, it is a must to visit our alma mater (me and PM MNS). It was a 30 minutes Grab ride from the Miri City Centre, specifically in a place called Senadin. One day, I plan to engage Curtin Miri for some research stuffs InsyaALlah.