Daily Routine for Zaki Autistic

Sensory brushing using Therapressure brush – Willbarger Protocol. This is to improve his hyper-sensory condition
Reciting ruqyah anak istimewa onto a glass of water and let him drink, hopefully can soothe him insyaALlah
Ritalin LA in the morning to increase focus and Risperidone at night to improve his emotion (increase dopamine – happy hormone)
Lavender and Cedarwood EO thought to improve his mood

The routine is endless actually, especially to make sure that his tantrum won’t happen – making sure he is not hungry, hug him when the mood decreases, wearing earmuff to avoid loud sound etc. Hopefully you will be better Zaki insyaALlah.

Don’t get him wrong. I told Zaki to smile and this is what he gave me πŸ™‚

A Cup of Coffee Completes Your Day (And Night? hehe)

My fully auto machine bought at Myer Perth during the Boxing Day Sale of 2013, still functions well until today
Look at the gorgeous mixture
One bold, another one mild

I developed the barista thingy when in Australia, circa 2008 – 2014 during when I further my MSc and PHD at Curtin Uni Perth. My supply of beans are non-stop, still got a couple of 500g – 1kg bags in the kitchen.

Accompanying Zaki for his Circumcision Procedure at HSA – Jan 24

En route to Operation Theatre
Well, well, look who’s triggered πŸ™‚

As a special kid, Zaki cannot circumcise like his normal colleague. These kids will have to undergo a minor operation under the General Anesthetic (GA) to make sure they will not jump from the bed during the procedure hehe.

Zaki – my kiddo with special needs

Well this is Zaki my 2nd kid, born with a moderate autism condition and ADHD. We are having a nice lunch at Hayyan Huda Seremban in this photo. At times it could be challenging raising him. We just told ourselves to always stay positive and do the best we could. Alhamdulillah for what Allah has given us.

My kiddos back to school 2024 – March 24

Harraz managed to get into MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba alhamdulillah, Zaki enters his secondary schooling at SMK Taman Universiti PPKI and both girls continue their journey at Tadika Ihsan UTM. I couldn’t be more thankful of what Allah have granted us.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin – April 24

My updated CV as of 230424

Can read here.