Sending off Umar Jambo after Completing his M.Sc (Geoinformatics) – May 2023

Alhamdulillah. Umar completed his masters with flying colours. He started his 1st semester abroad as the MCO made it still stringent to enter the country, only during the 2nd semester he came here. Umar received a scholarship from his country, Nigeria to pursue his masters here, given he is the lecturer in one of the college there.

I was given the opportunity to supervise his Master’s project which managed to publish one journal article in Geografia, WoS indexed for his work on the landslide vulnerability at Sireh Park. Hard work paid off.

Appointed Research Fellow at Yayasan Strategik Lestari (YSL) – Sept 2022

Thank you for the opportunity. Find out more on YSL at

Securing UTM Matching Grant When Receiving External Grant – May 23

Alhamdulillah, I received an external grant from Yayasan Strategik Lestari (YSL) with the amount of MYR 33k with the proposed research titled “QUANTIFYING CLIMATE CHANGES EFFECT TOWARDS LANDSLIDE HAZARD ZONATION FOR URBAN COMMUNITY”. On top of that, I am also one of their research fellow.

Given the small amount of which I cannot provide a monthly allowance for my student, I have applied UTM Matching Grant (UTM MG). At UTM, you are given the opportunity to apply for the MG amounting up to MYR 50k when you received an external grant (if I am not mistaken, only if the source is from the private sector). Therefore, I proposed another grant application with the title “QUANTIFYING CLIMATE CHANGES EFFECT TOWARDS LANDSLIDE HAZARD ZONATION”. Alhamdulillah it was approved.

More details on the UTM MG can be found here

Participating in the Inatex 2023, Kuala Lumpur – Oct 23

With Juhaida my PhD student. The participation was based on her PhD topic – GIS for radicalism location prediction.
With PM Dr Tajul Ariffin Musa, our Director during that time, and of course none other than Ami Hassan πŸ™‚

Malaysia Happiness Index Components Which can Be Geospatialized

Following the recent announcement of KPKT Minister which ranks the top 3 city with are the happiest – Cameron Higlands, Jeli and Jerantut, the above are the components of the said index. These components can be transformed into a geospatialized indicators which must be specific according to the smallest possible geographical (mukim perhaps?). These indicators can later on be incorporated into a geospatial model for facilitating the future prediction of the happiest areas.

This is what is partially done by my PhD student Juhaida, of which she uses the geospatial model of IBM, AHP and ANP to predict the potential of radicalism for Peninsular Malaysia.