A trip to Langkawi, Kedah with the wifey and kiddos – Nov 22

The beach at Berjaya Resort
Zaki has the membership of The Butterfly Effect, due to this, the whole of the family is given the privilege to stay in the Snoozelen Room while waiting for our flight
Another perk of The Butterfly Effect is that when you disembark your flight at the destination, there is already one airport staff which will accompany us from the flight until the terminal. Thanks MAHB!
Girls waiting to board their flight. Hopefully they are happy with the trip

A Visit to Kota Kuala Kedah – Feb 24

On top of going to Alor Setar, Kedah for a meeting with one of the research entity, I took the opportunity to visit Kota Kuala Kedah. It was said that this fort is built around 400 – 500 years ago for the defence of Kedah especially from Siam. It is magnificent.

FIG Conference and Technical Visit to Turkey – 2018

Our 2nd accommodation, sponsored by Istanbul Municipality is at Zeytinburnu, co-incidentally we bumped into Saadet Partisi office there
With Dr Imzan outside Masjid Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari
During one of the dinner function hosted by our BIMTAS colleague. Looks like the venue is like a palace
BIMTAS office
Maybe just another masjid at the banks of the Bosphorus Strait

Alhamdulillah we received a sponsorship from LJT for this technical visit. I also took the opportunity to present our research paper on Skudai River pollution at the FIG Congress 2018. After the congress, we travelled to several places on the western side of Turkey (bordering) Bulgaria such as Edirne, Canakkale and Bursa with LJT folks.

A Visit to Curtin University Malaysia, Miri – Dec 23

When in Miri, Sarawak, it is a must to visit our alma mater (me and PM MNS). It was a 30 minutes Grab ride from the Miri City Centre, specifically in a place called Senadin. One day, I plan to engage Curtin Miri for some research stuffs InsyaALlah.

Trip to NUS

Official Trip to NUS with TNCP of UTM