Journal Papers

AS OF 18 APRIL 2024

2024: Assessing the impact of RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios on landslide susceptibility mapping using support vector machine: A case study of Penang Island, Malaysia – Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Wos Indexed, IF 3.7

2023: Geospatial Approach for Landslides Vulnerability Assessment of Physical Infrastructures in Sireh Park, Johor Bahru – Geografia – Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, Wos Indexed, IF 0.5

2023: A Review of the Application of Support Vector Machines in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping – Disaster Advances, Wos Indexed

2023: A Systematic Review of The Recent Geospatial Approach in Addressing Spatially-related Radicalism and Extremism Issues – International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability (IJBES), Wos Indexed, IF 0.8

2023: Assessing the Influence of Anthropogenic Causal Factors on Landslide Susceptibility in Bukit Antarabangsa, Selangor – International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability (IJBES), Wos Indexed, IF 0.8

2023: An Integrated Investigation Of Hydrocarbon Pollution In Ahoada Area, Niger Delta Region, Nigeria – Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Wos Indexed, IF 5.19

2023: Boosting Ensemble Learning Technique for Landslide Activity Classification using Vegetation Anomalies Indicators, Journal of Advanced Geospatial and Technology, MyCite Indexed

2022: A Meta-Analysis for the Inclusion of Area of Kohler’s Taxonomy in Transition Program for Students With Disabilities – International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, WoS Indexed

2022: Digital Learning in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Public University, Malaysia – Journal Of Technical Education and Training, Wos Indexed

2022: Landslide Vulnerability and Risk Assessment: a Guideline for Critical Infrastructure in Malaysia – Thai Geoscience Journal

2022: Surface Elevation Changes Estimation underneath Mangrove Canopy Using SNERL Filtering Algorithm and DoD Technique on UAV-Derived DSM Data – ISPRS International Journal of Geoinformation, Wos Indexed, IF 2.899

2022: Support Vector Machine for Landslide Activity Identification Based on Vegetation Anomalies Indicator – Journal of Information System and Technology Management, MyCite Indexed

2022: Geospatial Metamodel For Landslide Disaster Management in Malaysia: Current Practices – Journal of Information System and Technology Management, MyCite Indexed

2021: Potential Vulnerability Impact Of Coastal Inundation Over Kelantan Coast Due To Sea Level Rise Based On Satellite Altimetry, Gps And Lidar Data – Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Wos Indexed, IF 1.827

2021: Advancing Landslide Risk Registers via the Geospatial Metamodel Approach: a Review – Journal of Advanced Geospatial and Technology

2021: Environmental And Socioeconomic Impacts of Pipeline Transport Interdiction in Niger Delta, Nigeria – Heliyon, Wos Indexed, IF 0.33

2019: Evaluating Water Level Changes at Different Tidal Phases Using UAV Photogrammetry and GNSS Vertical Data – Sensors, WoS Indexed, IF 3.031

2019: Revised Progressive Morphological Method for Ground Point Classification of Airborne LiDar Data – International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability (IJBES), Wos Indexed

2018: Spatio-temporal Analysis of PM10 in Southern Peninsular Malaysia – International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Scopus Indexed