Online Session – Perjumpaan Dekan Bersama Staf FABU

Alhamdulillah this morning we had the opportunity to listen to Tuan Dekan as he delivers his speech in the supposed regular engagement with staff. Some of the content are related to the situation of Covid19, PKP, UTM's PKPD and the recent academic … [Continue reading]

My 1st post after so long hiatus – Heliyon paper

Ironically what I want to share is a paper of us published in Heliyon, a WoS indexed journal. It is an open access paper so you guys can reach it for free. Just visit this … [Continue reading]

ECQ – 2015 State General Election

I love Australia. … [Continue reading]

UTM WordPress Blog Training

What a day today. We spend 2 hours and get a free food. How nice. … [Continue reading]

WordPress Blogging Course – LAD Computer Lab, Floor 3, B08 – 090215 at 9.00 am

Hi guys. This is my 1st genuine post. Prior to this post, I already had 5 'phantom' posts I don't know by whom. Anyway, it's great when you had the chance to kick start your day by attending a course. Until then, bye. … [Continue reading]

Hello world!

Welcome to [your site name]. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! … [Continue reading]

Today HCI class

To my HCI student. today class will discuss about your project … [Continue reading]

Trip to NUS

Official Trip to NUS with TNCP of UTM … [Continue reading]

Testing to facebook

Testing from web to facebook … [Continue reading]

HCI short drama

The User is a King and an example of Short Drama from Stanford University. This could give some inspiration to your group presentation … [Continue reading]