GSCAEE 2021 Keynote Talk – DONE

GSCAEE 2021 Keynote Talk – DONE

It was a pleasure to team up with other keynote speakers at the Global Summit of Civil, Architecture, and Environmental Engineering 2021 (GSCAEE2021).

Here are the speakers during my keynote session:

Title: Structural Fire Engineering: A Growing Need for Innovation.
Cristian Maluk, The University of Queensland, Australia

Title: Deep learning and its Applications in Construction.
Mehrdad Arashpour, Monash University, Australia

Title: Recent Trends of 3D City Modeling in Built Environment.
Uznir Ujang, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Title:Innovative Strategies for Enhancing Fire Performance of High Performing Materials and Structural Systems.
Venkatesh Kodur, Michigan State University, USA

Title: Hurricane Risk Mitigation in a Changing Climate.
Ning Lin, Princeton University, USA

Congratulations and thank you to GSCAEE 2021 organizer The Scientist and MDPI Building Journal for inviting me as a keynote speaker at this summit. It is the most well-organized online conference to date.

I was informed next year, GSCAEE 2022 will take place in Copenhagen Denmark. If things go back to normal, I plan to be there. I am excited to visit my old house there again.

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