I was so excited with the involvement of students from the Geodesy program at the Malang National Institute of Technology, Indonesia. Everything went smooth with the lecture. 

After the lecture, the questions from the students of the Geodesy program were very astonishing. Among the questions are:

  1. Can GIS be applied in the field of Epidemiology?
  2. What is the accuracy of the data required for a GIS system?
  3. Can GIS help in crime analysis works?
  4. How is geodesy handy in GIS?
  5. Is it possible that GIS can be used at the national level?
  6. Can GIS be used for forestry?
  7. What about GIS with air traffic control management?

The answer is yes. I explain by showing real examples that happens in Malaysia as well as my own experience of involvement in those areas.

Thank you to the excellent students from the institute who asked these questions. The names of the students were Jose, Alexandra, Rashid, Aninda, and Gose (sorry I can’t remember the rest).

Keep on going learning new knowledge. Hopefully we have the opportunity to meet here in UTM.

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