Our article was accepted for presentation at 3D Geoinfo 2021 in New York. We are the only representative of UTM’s 3D GIS Research Group to have been accepted to this conference. We are thrilled.
This article, titled “Data Interoperability of Building Information Modeling and Geographic Information Systems in the Construction Industry,” examines data interoperability challenges in the construction industry between BIM and GIS. Available for free at the following ISPRS link: https://www.int-arch-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/XLVI-4-W4-2021/111/2021/.
Congratulations to Wan Nor Fa’aizah, my PhD student who presented the paper. Yes, I rarely present papers at conferences. Certain supervisors choose to be the presenter.
In my opinion, let this experience be given to new and young researchers, to stand up in fronts of experts, to feel nervous, stage fright and so on. I myself have been through this experience some time ago. Now is their time.
In addition to my obligations as a lecturer and researcher, I am also responsible for talent development. Having to be at the front and having my students following behind me would be pointless. Allow them to fly.
#3dGeoinfo2021 #BIM #GIS #Constructions #Conference #NewYork #PhD #Researcher #3DGIS #3DCityModelling #Postgraduate #TalentDevelopment #StageFright #3DGISResearchGroup #UTM