Word cloud is a novelty visual representation of text data, typically used to depict tags/keyword metadata. This format is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms to determine its relative prominence. Bigger term means greater weight.
To date, the Word Cloud generated from the myBantu form shows some of the most frequently used words. The frequently used words are:
- I (Saya)
- Help (Bantuan)
- Requires (Memerlukan)
- Milk (Susu)
- Diapers (Pampers)
- Kids (Anak)
- Food (Makanan)
- Home (Rumah)
I hope this generated Word cloud can be used as a reference for those who want to help. Thank you Malaysians for the kindness.
myBantu map: https://bit.ly/3qH04qu
#malaysiabantu #mybantu #DariRakyatUntukRakyat #kitajagakita #benderaputih #foodbankmalaysia #wordcloud #tagcloud