Tag Archives: myBantu

myBantu Word Cloud


Word cloud is a novelty visual representation of text data, typically used to depict tags/keyword metadata. This format is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms to determine its relative prominence. Bigger term means greater weight.

To date, the Word Cloud generated from the myBantu form shows some of the most frequently used words. The frequently used words are:

  1. I (Saya)
  2. Help (Bantuan)
  3. Requires (Memerlukan)
  4. Milk (Susu)
  5. Diapers (Pampers)
  6. Kids (Anak)
  7. Food (Makanan)
  8. Home (Rumah)

I hope this generated Word cloud can be used as a reference for those who want to help. Thank you Malaysians for the kindness. 

myBantu map: https://bit.ly/3qH04qu

#malaysiabantu #mybantu #DariRakyatUntukRakyat #kitajagakita #benderaputih #foodbankmalaysia #wordcloud #tagcloud



As usual, in addition to data checking done daily, data cleanup is done periodically. Data cleanup is done to prevent repeated/overlapping assistance from occurring.

Based on this week’s myBantu map, almost half (47%) of the locations that need help managed to receive help. Especially in the northern part of the Peninsula and in Sabah and Sarawak. Thank you Malaysians who care, provide assistance to those in need.

However, this week’s myBantu map also recorded a higher increase in daily reports compared to the previous week. Hopefully this report will decrease and more Malaysians can be helped.

Since this information can be updated by users, hopefully locations that have received help or “suspicious” can be edited or deleted. Only the locals will be able to do the verification.

To Malaysians who need help, you can fill out the form at this link https://arcg.is/1mK5zn0.

To those who want to donate, click here https://bit.ly/3qH04qu to view the myBantu map.

#malaysiabantu #mybantu #DariRakyatUntukRakyat #kitajagakita #benderaputih #foodbankmalaysia



myBantu map have recorded thousands of data that have been submitted by individuals in need. But it is believed that there are locations that received assistance but is not been edited (updated).

Therefore, the myBantu map will go through a data updating process to avoid duplication of assistance. Since this update process is done in batches, there is a possibility that there will be locations marked as “received assistance”, but it is otherwise. Double check is needed.

Individual who are in needs, make yourself visible by filling out the myBantu form https://arcg.is/1mK5zn0

NGO or individuals who wish to give a hand, you may refer to the myBantu map https://bit.ly/3qH04qu

myBantu #malaysiabantu #darirakyatuntukrakyat

Malaysia Bantu (myBantu) Campaign

Malaysia Bantu myBantu Campaign

Based on the myBantu map, more and more locations have been assisted and the number of myBantu red dot locations is decreasing. Thank you to the caring citizens of Malaysian.

Undoubtedly there are still new locations (that need help) added every day. And this myBantu map is updated in real time.

For those who need help with basic needs, you can fill out this form https://arcg.is/1mK5zn0.

For those who want to help, do check out the myBantu map here https://bit.ly/3qH04qu.

Together we stand strong as Malaysian. 

#myBantu #benderaputih #MalaysiaBantu



Since myBantu map received a lot of assistance from NGOs as well as individuals, and to avoid duplication of assistance, you can delete the assistance location on the myBantu map. Here’s how:

1. Click ‘Edit’

2. Click on the location point where you have received assistance

3. Then click ‘Delete’. That’s all.

The map will be updated in real time. Do refer to the picture below.

To Malaysians who need assistance with basic needs as a result of being affected during the pandemic, can fill out this form (https://arcg.is/1mK5zn0).

For those who want to channel donations, you can check the myBantu map which shows the location of individuals who need help. Click here https://bit.ly/3qH04qu.

#myBantu #MalaysiaBantu

MALAYSIA BANTU (myBantu Web-App)

MALAYSIA BANTU (myBantu Web-App)

In my busy schedule as an academician, I have managed to find myself time to create a web-app to help individuals affected by this COVID-19 pandemic (i.e: income, employment, etc.).

This web-apps show the locations of individuals who need such help. This information is filled in by the people themselves, and any NGO or individual can see the location where assistance can be extended. Update in real-time.

Starting with 10 data points, it has now reached more than 500 point locations that have been entered in the myBantu map (July 7th). Many NGOs have also managed to provide assistance at the locations on this myBantu map.

Sorry if the web-app is not “fancy”, I am not a web design expert but as long as the objective can be achieved, why not give it a try.

This web-app can be accessed using the myBantu map link https://bit.ly/3qH04qu. If you need or know anyone who needs help, fill out the individual information through this form https://arcg.is/1mK5zn0.

I pin this story here as my personal-event memory.

Hopefully it can benefit many.

#myBantu #MalaysiaBantu #helpingothers #webapp #ESRI #covid19 #UniversitiTeknologiMalysia #volunteers #NGO #data #people #help #webdesign #employment #jobs