SEMT 4513/4523 Aircraft Design


The course will allow students to learn methodology and decision-making in the aircraft design process. This Integrated Design Project (IDP) offers a distinctive opportunity to use knowledge and skills from previous studies in aeronautics class to conduct a practical aircraft design project. Contents of learning include feasibility study, aircraft aerodynamics, aircraft performance & stability and component design.

  1. Course information
  2. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

SEMT 4523 Aircraft Design 2


This course gives students exposure to the aircraft design process and methodology. Students are split into a number of groups to carry out aircraft components design and analyses. The progress of the project is closely monitored by the lecturers. Lectures are given to provide the student with information and guidance as the project goes along. Group presentations and feedback from lecturers are regularly arranged for student evaluation and design improvement.

  1. Course information
  2. Course Learning outcomes


  1. Groupings
  2. Sample minutes of the meeting
  3. Peer-peer assessment form


  1. Introduction to design (SEMM1513)
  2. Flight mechanic (SEMT3212)


  1. Design Project 1: 10%
  2. Design Project 2: 20%
  3. Design Project 3: 20%
  4. Peer-peer assessment: 20%
  5. Individual assessment: 20%
  6. Service learning: 10%


  1. Depth of Study
  2. Contents of Presentation
  3. Analysis & Results Interpretation
  4. Subject Knowledge
  5. Quality of Slides
  6. Voice & Eye Contact
  7. Response to Questions


  1. Lecture notes
  2. Operation manual
  3. Table of content
  4. CAD-6011 Part (II) Agriculture
  5. CAD-6011 Part (V) Special UAV Project


  1. D.P Raymer, Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, Fourth Edition, AIAA Education Series, 2006.
  2. E. Torenbeek, Synthesis of Subsonic Airplane Design, Delft University Press, Netherlands, 1979
  3. J. Roskam, Aircraft Design, parts: 1-8, Roskam Aviation and Engineering Corporation, 1992
  4. Denis Howe, Aircraft Conceptual Design Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons, 2005
    T.C. Corke, Design of Aircraft, Prentice Hall. 2003
  5. J.D. Anderson, Aircraft Performance and Design, McGraw-Hill, 1999
    D. Stinton, The Design of the Aeroplane, 1983
  6. Jane’s Information Group, Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, Sentinal House, 163 Brighton Road, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2NH, U.K.
  7. D. Hoak, D. Ellison, et al., USAF DATCOM, Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab., Wright Patterson AFB, OH, USA.
  8. R. Budynas & K. Nisbett, Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill, 20081.

TEXTBOOK – Aircraft design and science of flight

  1. ANDERSON Understanding Flight
  2. ANDERSON Aircraft performance and design
  3. ANDERSON Fundamental of Aerodynamics
  4. Boeing Design Manual
  5. DANSIE Model aircraft design
  6. DENKER See How It Flies
  7. ERRTA Airplane design
  8. FAA Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
  9. HOUGTON Aerodynamics for Engineering Student
  10. HULL Fundamental of Airplane Flight Mechanics
  11. JENKINSON Aircraft Design Project for Engineering Student
  12. KUNDU Aircraft design
  13. LOWRY Performance of Light Aircraft
  14. MATTHEWS Aeronautical Engineer Databook
  15. OHJA Flight Performance of Aircraft
  16. RAYMEY Aircraft Design
  17. ROSKAM Airplane Design by Jan Roskam
  18. ROSKAM Airplane aerodynamics and performance
  19. TENNEKES The Simple Science of Flight
  20. TORENBEEK Synthesis of Subsonic Airplane Design
  21. SCHAUB Analytical Mechanics for Aerospace Systems
  22. SIMONS Model Aircraft  Aerodynamics
  23. STINTON The Design of Aeroplane

TEXTBOOK – Control and stability

  1. BRUHN Analysis of design of flight vehicles
  2. CARLEY Aircraft stability and control
  3. ETKIN Dynamics of Flight and Control
  4. LANGTON Stability and control of Aircraft Systems
  5. NELSON Flight stability and Automatic control
  6. ROSKAM Airplane flight dynamics and automatic control

TEXTBOOK- Structural analysis

  1. HORLOCK Advanced Gas Turbine
  2. MEGSON Aircraft Structure
  3. ROYCE Jet Engines
  4. PRATT Engine Operation

TEXTBOOK –  Rotorcraft

  1. BRAMWELL Helicopter Dynamics
  2. HITCHEN Propeller Aerodynamics by Hitchens
  3. SEDDON Basic helicopter Aerodynamic

TEXTBOOK –  Flight testing

  1. GROGERY Introduction to flight testing
  2. WARD Flight Test Engineering


  1. Civil Aviation Directive-6011 Part (V) Special UAS Project
  2. UAV operations in Malaysia Airspace
  3. CAAM Aerodrome Operation 2016
  4. Aerodrome Senai Airport
  5. FAA Airworthiness certification of UAS
  6. CAA Airworthiness certification of UAV
  7. FAQ on UAS by CAAM
  8. CASA Drone rules and regulation
  9. Part-107 Summary of small UAS rule FAA
  10. Airworthiness Standards FAA FAR Part 23


Report  – Section 20212022_2


  1. How to Choose?
  2. Basic aerodynamics
  3. RC control system
  4. Launching or landing
  5. Flying your plane
  6. Power system/ propulsion system
  7. Battery and safety
  8. Transmitter
  9. Crashing and repairing
  10. Aerobatics


  1. Video 1
  2. Video 2


  1. RC component – Dr Nazri
  2. Day 1 – Dr Zul
  3. Day 3 – Dr Zul
  4. Pre_flight_preparation – Dr Zul
  5. Auto mission – Dr Zul
  6. Setup plane
  7. Aircraft Composite Repair – Introduction – Dr Khairul
  8. Aircraft Composite Repair -Constituents Matrix – Dr Khairul
  9. Aircraft Composite Repair -Manufacturing processs – Dr Khairul
  10. Aircraft Composite Repair – Core-Dr Khairul
  11. Aircraft Composite Repair -Constituents Fiber-Dr  Khairul


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  1. Montage 2023