Quran: Is the waaw exist in recitation?

(This is based on the quran with Rasm Uthmani script).

existHow to recite the verse with this situation found in the quran as illustrate in the picture?

Does the waaw exist in the writing but not exist in recitation ?

This is only an example for explaination. There are few places in different verse in some surahs of quran. The basic guideline is whenever the waaw has a fathah ( ⁄ ), then the waaw need to be in the recitation. Otherwise, just ignore the existence of the waaw during the recitation.

While reciting quran, we need to identify this situation and recite it correctly.

Quran: Hamza’ with 1 or 2 ‘harakat’?



(This is based on the quran with Rasm Uthmani script).

Sometimes it is confused to recite a verse from quran that contain hamzah with either 1 or 2 harakat length rate. Here is a guideline can be used to differentiate those two length rate easily, especially whenever together with ‘alif, waaw and yaa’.


Once found a hamza’, identify the position in the particular word or verse. The length rate is based on this situation that can see clearly. Please refer to the picture above to view the different.


Kill the cockroaches safely and effectively

cockroachIf you see a cockroaches at home, do not kill the cockroach by beating it because the bowels of cockroaches very dangerous.

Cockroaches have small worms in their stomach that can live even outside of the cockroaches body (stomach). When this worms were out of the stomach, they will move to find a new place.


bahaya-cacing-kecoa This worms are very dangerous when our body until it touches the skin (especially feet) as it can get in through the pores of the skin or any open sores on the external skin.


How to kill cockroaches?


Avoid to beat the cockroaches. Avoid to use the normal insect repellents because they contain toxic chemical ingredient such as DEET. Then how to kill the cockroaches? There are options for non-toxic insect repellent that safe to be used such as Sol-u-guard.

This product can kill the cockroaches within 15 seconds after spraying directly. However, the cockroach must be flipped over immediately after the first spray and spray again its abdomen.

It is not only kill the cockroaches easily and effectively by using this product, but also safe the environment without toxic chemical exposure, and avoid us from cancer.



How to manage your time during an exam?

WatchOne of the most important thing that need to be tackled for all exams is the time management to answer the questions within the period of time given. Nobody can help if you not have enough time for the unanswered questions yet. Consequently, the mind focus for answering the questions might be distracted and lead to a panic situation.

Here are some tips on how to control your time during an exam being held. This actually contributes to achieve a good result besides good preparation and revision of the subject.


(1) Get the total period of time given on the front page of question paper.

(2) Take about 5 minutes to get an overview of the entire questions to start planning to answer.

•   Format of question: True / False, objective question, structured question, essay question.

•   Parts of question.

•   Marks for each part and questions.

(3) Allocate time for each question. The basic rule is 1.5 minutes for 1 mark.

•   True/False, Objective questions: For example, 20 questions for 20 marks. So, the time needed is 30 minutes only.

•    Structured and essay questions: For example, a question for 15 marks. So, the time needs to be allocated is roughly 22.5 minutes.

(4) Always start with the objective questions first before answering the structured questions.

(5) Proceed answering the next question after finished the current question without wait the allocated time expired. If stuck at any particular question, go to another question without wasting the time.

(6) After all questions have been viewed, back to the beginning of the question and go directly to the unanswered questions again within the remaining of the time available.

(7) Last but not least, always see the clock after answering each question so that the time is under control.


How to create Google form responses using bit.ly? (Part 5)

The process is similar to the process of shortening the Google form.

The only thing that you need to do is to copy the URL address of the responses spreadsheet of the form and paste it into the new bitlink.


Once all processes completed, you will get a simple link to view all of the responses data entered by all respondents.

How to shorten Google form link using bit.ly? (Part 4)

The link address for a form generated by Google Form might be too long and very difficult to remember and to manage it. Therefore, bit.ly allows you to easily shorten, share, manage, and analyze your favorite links from around the web especially the form created.

Here are the simple ways on doing it easily.

You can also do the same process for creating the Google form responses using bit.ly easily here.

Flow of creating Google Form and responses (Part 2)

It is very simple to create the form until you can manage to get a very nice, short, easy name of the form link.


The Google form will be produced two important outputs, form itself and the responses element.


The process of creating a form can be referred here. An example of creating a form was provided in order to you to understand clearly.

Flow of the processes:

The following is a diagram of the flow for both output.

The simple steps to shorten the form and the responses spreadsheet using bit.ly can be referred to these links.

(1) Shorten the Google Form.

(2) Shorten the Google responses spreadsheet.