Assalamualaikum and Greetings to everyone,

Research committee from School of Education, UTM has organized a sharing session for researchers who interested to apply for Prototype Research Grant Scheme or PRGS.

PRGS is funded by Ministry of Education, Malaysia purposely to assist researchers to commercialize their product prototype.

We are grateful to have prominent speaker like Pn Sapiah Sulaiman from Smart Digital Community Research Alliance, Office of DVCRI UTM.

We also quite lucky to have prominent researchers like Prof Dr Zaidatun Tasir and Dr Zakiah Mohd Ashari who have securedĀ  PRGS from previous cycle. They have shared some valuable information and tips to win this grant.

As part of the committee, I would like to thank each speakers for their time and commitment.

Good luck to all researchers.

May the force be with you.
