Remember that last Tuesday was the due date for PRGS proposal submission?? Guess what?! Pn Sapiah from RA Office emailed me on Thursday, and she had informed me that 1st round evaluation is on 28!

But fret not, I did prepare and present my project this morning. It’s just that the duration is sooo short. I need to be ready with the slides and read the proposal.. again..just to study before I go to the war room. Ahhh it felt like PhD viva for the second time. To add, there are 4 panel of reviewers in that war room!! I c.a.n.t t.h.i.n.k of anything. I sucked it in.

Thankfully, I managed to present it in 10 minutes.

So, the next evaluation, a 2nd round evaluation will be after Raya Haji. Pray for me, please…😭

Anyhow, here are some comments that I received from all panels:

  1. What is the contribution of fundamental research in this project?
  2. What makes the developed prototype different from existing product(s)?
  3. Change the word “hire” to “consultation fee” in budget.
  4. Executive summary should be polished. Make sure the developed prototype is the continuation from previous fundamental research.
  5. Be more specific when it comes to target consumers/users.
  6. Instructional design should be included in background of problem.