A recent paper was published! Congratulations Hanis!

Alhamdulillah. One of my Masters students has published part of her thesis to a renowned journal in Educational Technology field. Congratulations on your recent achievement! I'm a proud supervisor. You can download the file to read her paper....

Tutorial fungsi Text to Speech dengan MIT App Inventor

Mungkin ramai yang sudah tahu, aplikasi MIT App Inventor merupakan salah satu aplikasi percuma yang membolehkan kita membangunkan aplikasi mudah alih semudah ABC. Tanpa perlu ada latar belakang pengaturcaraan, pengguna boleh membangunkan aplikasi mudah alih dengan...

Tutorial fungsi Input dan Dynamic Text menggunakan Adobe Animate

Ok, kembali lagi bersama siri tutorial Dr Farhana. Kali ini, saya sediakan tutorial penggunaan fungsi Input dan Dynamic Text dengan menggunakan Adobe Animate. Silakan mencuba dan semoga ianya bermanfaat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhAvMwSTnFw

Tutorial membina Button dengan Adobe Animate

Tutorial ini saya bangunkan untuk rujukan pelajar SHPP 2333 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDZ9adAEoYM

Blackboard Learn

UTMSPACE now has used Blackboard Learn as its main LMS platform. Attendance feature is what I'm rooting for. It is more personalized as compare to Moodle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKjBxIe_138

A day full of activities

To begin with, I would say today is a productive yet hectic day!

  1. 9.00 am : NALI Meeting
  2. 11.00 am : shooting for NALI Montage
  3. 12:00 noon : Meeting with PM Hayati – AKRI finalists
  4. 1.00 pm : Discussion on slide preparation for AKRI with Prof Zaida
  5. 2.00 pm : Solat
  6. 2.30 pm : Meeting with cert unit NALI
  7. 3.30 pm : Meeting with Edu Tech new PG students
  8. 5.30 pm : Back in office
  9. 6. 00 pm : Having my late lunch with my other half

A hectic life of a lecturer. Not glamour at all. Now back to my sarang and review 1 book manuscript from UTHM.

Ahh… I love my job 😍

With my cute bff , Dr Zakiah
New PG students
New Edu Tech masters students
Our Director, Dr Megat is in da house!

Supervision Talk Series – 2

Academic Professional Development Committee from School of Education, UTM has successfully organized Supervision Talk Series today. The course is compulsory to lecturers in positions of DS 54 and below. This time, Prof Salleh Abu (an experienced academician from our faculty) has shared numerous tips and guidelines on what makes a good thesis. He has also shared a wealth of knowledge in which all were based from his own experience through years as academician, supervisor, and examiner for Master and PhD theses. Thank you Prof.

Prof Salleh during the talk. Looking young and energetic. Full of charisma as always 
Our photographer, Mr Fuad never failed to capture every single moment during the talk. Beware even if you’re not ready, he will still upload your pics to his Facebook page – without your consent (joking )
I will remind my PG students about this 
Behold my current and future students!
The favorite part of examiners in the entire world. BoP or Background of Problems. The heart of your thesis lies in every pages of this section. Not to scare my students, but this is fact.

Welcome adik-adik manis

Buat yang tertanya² (ade ke org tanya?) 😜, akak dengan ini mengumumkan bahawasanya akak akan mengajar adik² UG untuk subjek yang paling hot meletop iaitu “Rekabentuk Multimedia dan Interaksi Manusia-Komputer”. Amacam?? Meletop kan nama subjeknye? I just can’t wait to meet u all. I x garang don’t worry. I is okay je as long u all dtg kelas, jgn tuang kelas, dalam kelas jgn tgk drama Korea udahler(happen to me k. I mmg hangin kalau kantoi u all buat gitu).

Ok la..see u all later 😁

Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students Info

Attention to all Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students,

Below are the important dates of Course Registration for Semester I, 2019/2020 Session for your kind reference.

Please login to MyUTM Portal (http://my.utm.my) using your ACID account for course registration starting from 4 September 2019.

Student must register a course / research EVERY SEMESTER within the specified duration as mentioned above, unless valid reasons are given. Those who fail to register without acceptable reasons will be terminated.

Please refer to the link below for your reference and kind perusal.

1. Academic Calendar


2. Work Schedule on Course Registration, Examination and Conferment

p/s: please take note that penalty will be imposed (RM100) to students who fail to amend/complete their course registration before 10 Oct 2019.

3. Class Schedule (Postgraduate)
School of Education (SOE)

4. Class Schedule (Undergraduate)
School of Education (SOE)

Thank You.

Credit FB : Faculty of Social Sciences anf Humanities, UTM

Selamat Hari Merdeka

Selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yang ke 62 tahun Malaysia!

Happy Independence Day Malaysia!

62 years of diversity and unity. Regardless of race and religion, our shared history unites us as one. Remember our fallen heroes, remember our living heroes. Just look how far we have come as one nation.

Selamat Hari Merdeka from all of us at UTM 🎆

Full time Master student (by research)

I am looking for master student to do research related to cognitive development in online learning.


  • Malaysian
  • Have a degree in Education / IT or equivalent
  • Allowance RM 1800 for 2 years of study
  • Able to work independently and is a team player
  • Proficient in English and BM (oral and written)
  • Highly motivated person

If you are interested, kindly send your cv to nfarhana@utm.my

Taklimat Geran KPT-RIG

Assalamualaikum wrm wbt.,

Pada hari ini, bertempat di Dewan Senat UTM telah diadakan sesi taklimat permohonan geran KTP – RIG.

Geran ini merupakan geran dalaman UTM dimana salah satu objektifnya adalah untuk memberi galakan kepada penyelidik memulakan jaringan penyelidikan bersama komuniti, industri dan agensi.

Saya sertakan bersama slaid pembentangan taklimat untuk rujukan semua

Slide taklimat Dana KTP-NMG RIG updated 27.8

Semoga Berjaya 👍😊