A recent paper was published! Congratulations Hanis!

Alhamdulillah. One of my Masters students has published part of her thesis to a renowned journal in Educational Technology field. Congratulations on your recent achievement! I'm a proud supervisor. You can download the file to read her paper....

Tutorial fungsi Text to Speech dengan MIT App Inventor

Mungkin ramai yang sudah tahu, aplikasi MIT App Inventor merupakan salah satu aplikasi percuma yang membolehkan kita membangunkan aplikasi mudah alih semudah ABC. Tanpa perlu ada latar belakang pengaturcaraan, pengguna boleh membangunkan aplikasi mudah alih dengan...

Tutorial fungsi Input dan Dynamic Text menggunakan Adobe Animate

Ok, kembali lagi bersama siri tutorial Dr Farhana. Kali ini, saya sediakan tutorial penggunaan fungsi Input dan Dynamic Text dengan menggunakan Adobe Animate. Silakan mencuba dan semoga ianya bermanfaat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhAvMwSTnFw

Tutorial membina Button dengan Adobe Animate

Tutorial ini saya bangunkan untuk rujukan pelajar SHPP 2333 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDZ9adAEoYM

Blackboard Learn

UTMSPACE now has used Blackboard Learn as its main LMS platform. Attendance feature is what I'm rooting for. It is more personalized as compare to Moodle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKjBxIe_138

Shooting AKRI 2019

Sebagai memenuhi salah satu syarat penyertaan AKRI pada tahun ini, calon dikehendaki menyediakan 1 video pendek berdurasi 2 minit untuk menerangkan pendekatan pengajaran yang dilaksanakan di dalam kelas.

Role sy untuk shooting kali ini adalah sebagai pelakon utama 🙈


Last Thursday I managed to attend this forum at Dewan Senat UTM. This program is organized by Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM) in conjuction with Minggu Sains Negara.

Some take home notes from this forum:

  1. As an academician, you need to be humble and be nice to everyone.
  2. Try to find travel grants whenever you want to attend conference overseas.
  3. Try to get international grant.
  4. Attend programs or activities organized by ASM. From there, you can create network with experts in this country.
  5. Aim for impact factor journal whenever you want to publish your scholarly works. It’s OK to fail, at least you learn from your mistakes.
  6. Teaching is your first priority. Always treat your students well.
  7. Work-life balance.
  8. Appreciate your family for their sacrifices.
  9. Take care of your health.
  10. Be happy with your work. Don’t put pressure on yourself.

p/s: Just submitted the form to be YSN-ASM affiliate. Please pray for me 😁

You can find more info about ASM from their website: https://www.akademisains.gov.my/what-we-do/

To be YSN-ASM affiliate, you must be nominated by YSN-ASM member. Website link for YSN-ASM: http://ysn-asm.org.my/new/index.html

Secured FRGS Cycle 1/2019

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah.

The moment that I’ve been waiting for has come. Alhamdulillah,Thank you Allah.

The amount that I received is RM 58,600. It is not much but blessed cause it is more than enough for me 🙂

Sharing experience: PRGS research proposal presentation

Remember that last Tuesday was the due date for PRGS proposal submission?? Guess what?! Pn Sapiah from RA Office emailed me on Thursday, and she had informed me that 1st round evaluation is on 28!

But fret not, I did prepare and present my project this morning. It’s just that the duration is sooo short. I need to be ready with the slides and read the proposal.. again..just to study before I go to the war room. Ahhh it felt like PhD viva for the second time. To add, there are 4 panel of reviewers in that war room!! I c.a.n.t t.h.i.n.k of anything. I sucked it in.

Thankfully, I managed to present it in 10 minutes.

So, the next evaluation, a 2nd round evaluation will be after Raya Haji. Pray for me, please…😭

Anyhow, here are some comments that I received from all panels:

  1. What is the contribution of fundamental research in this project?
  2. What makes the developed prototype different from existing product(s)?
  3. Change the word “hire” to “consultation fee” in budget.
  4. Executive summary should be polished. Make sure the developed prototype is the continuation from previous fundamental research.
  5. Be more specific when it comes to target consumers/users.
  6. Instructional design should be included in background of problem.

Publication Talk

Assalamualaikum guys 😊

Sedikit perkongsian dari saya mengenai penerbitan berindeks ISI. Ceramah disampaikan bersama otai/sifu penerbitan berindeks, PM Dr Lokman Tahir. Moga perkongsian hari ini memberi manfaat buat kita semua. InsyaAllah, amin.

Nota: Program ini telah dianjurkan oleh Jawatankuasa Penerbitan, Sekolah Pendidikan, Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, UTM.

Proposal Submitted


I have submitted proposal for PRGS. Now let’s hope, make du’a so that it will be accepted in the next evaluation. InsyaAllah amin.

Rabbi yassir wala tuassir
Rabbi tammim bi khair


My slot in BC4DCP (Basic Competencies for Differentiated Career Pathway)

Assalamualaikum and Salam Maghrib 🙂

Just to share with you my activity today. First, I had a fruitful discussion session with Dr Zakiah in the morning. It is regarding my proposal for PRGS fund. Later in the afternoon until 4.30 pm is my turn to deliver few contents related to the following topic:

1. Design keys for classroom presentation

2. Creating dynamic and interactive presentation

This year there are 30+ new lecturer who enroll in this course.

Good luck in the future. All the best! 🙂

Briefing on PRGS Cycle 2/2019

Assalamualaikum and Good Afternoon

Attached herewith is the slide presentation delivered by Pn Sapiah, Research Officer at Smart Digital Community Research Alliance during her talk at PRGS workshop last week.

You can dowload the slide here