A recent paper was published! Congratulations Hanis!

Alhamdulillah. One of my Masters students has published part of her thesis to a renowned journal in Educational Technology field. Congratulations on your recent achievement! I'm a proud supervisor. You can download the file to read her paper....

Tutorial fungsi Text to Speech dengan MIT App Inventor

Mungkin ramai yang sudah tahu, aplikasi MIT App Inventor merupakan salah satu aplikasi percuma yang membolehkan kita membangunkan aplikasi mudah alih semudah ABC. Tanpa perlu ada latar belakang pengaturcaraan, pengguna boleh membangunkan aplikasi mudah alih dengan...

Tutorial fungsi Input dan Dynamic Text menggunakan Adobe Animate

Ok, kembali lagi bersama siri tutorial Dr Farhana. Kali ini, saya sediakan tutorial penggunaan fungsi Input dan Dynamic Text dengan menggunakan Adobe Animate. Silakan mencuba dan semoga ianya bermanfaat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhAvMwSTnFw

Tutorial membina Button dengan Adobe Animate

Tutorial ini saya bangunkan untuk rujukan pelajar SHPP 2333 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDZ9adAEoYM

Blackboard Learn

UTMSPACE now has used Blackboard Learn as its main LMS platform. Attendance feature is what I'm rooting for. It is more personalized as compare to Moodle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKjBxIe_138

My Student’s Comments from Previous Semester

Assalamualaikum w.r.m w.b.t and greetings to everyone,

I am sure as a teacher or lecturer, we always want to give our best to our students. I believe once we put our ‘heart’ and ‘soul’ in teaching, good things will come back to us.

Last semester was quite smooth for me. I am grateful to have students who are passionate in learning, full of love and respect towards me.

Thank you for being you. Thank you for being a good student. Thank you for teaching me to be a good teacher.

I hope I can see you guys again next semester. Till then, I attached few comments that I found in my e-ppp system.

I’m glad to be part of Erasmus+ program

Assalamualaikum and Greetings to everyone,

On February this year, Prof Dr Zaleha Ismail from School of Education has secured Erasmus+ grant, an international grant funded by European Commission.

She has invited me to be the member of the grant alongside with Dr Zakiah Ashari, Dr Nur Husna Wahid, Dr Nor Farahwahidah Abd Rahman, and Dr Norazrena Abu Samah.

Our research is basically in the area of Education for Sustainability Development or ESD. Specifically, our research will focus on integrating ICT as the support tool for ESD movement for schools in Malaysia. Besides UTM, members of this research consist of researchers from:

  1. Frederick University (Cyprus),
  2. University of Crete(Greece),
  3. Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia),
  4. Open University Malaysia (Malaysia),
  5. Indonesian Education University (Indonesia),
  6. University of Social Sciences & Humanities (Vietnam),
  7. University Gadjah Mada (Indonesia), and
  8. International University (Vietnam).

UTM has organized the 1st  Managerial Meeting and Training Workshop from 4th – 7th July, 2019 at Pulai Spring Resort, Johor. Here are some pics from our meeting in Johor.

A visit to Tg. Piai National Park,  Pontian

A  visit to SJK(C) Woon Hwa  Bandar Baru Kangkar Pulai

A visit to Bugis Heritage House, Pontian Johor

Basically, that’s how we spend our weekend. Work and leisure at the same time 🙂

Find more info about Erasmus+ program here

Research Talk: How to Win PRGS Grant!

Assalamualaikum and Greetings to everyone,

Research committee from School of Education, UTM has organized a sharing session for researchers who interested to apply for Prototype Research Grant Scheme or PRGS.

PRGS is funded by Ministry of Education, Malaysia purposely to assist researchers to commercialize their product prototype.

We are grateful to have prominent speaker like Pn Sapiah Sulaiman from Smart Digital Community Research Alliance, Office of DVCRI UTM.

We also quite lucky to have prominent researchers like Prof Dr Zaidatun Tasir and Dr Zakiah Mohd Ashari who have secured  PRGS from previous cycle. They have shared some valuable information and tips to win this grant.

As part of the committee, I would like to thank each speakers for their time and commitment.

Good luck to all researchers.

May the force be with you.


Semester Starts!

I’m actually excited for new semester! I’m so going to conduct my classes properly.

Welcome to all new students and my existing students.

Wish you all the best for this semester!







Beef stew recipe

We made beef stew for lunch today.

Hand in hand with chef abah.

We made it with Philips all-in-one pressure cooker.

Total cooking time: 27 minutes

sear/saute low temp (2mins) + meat/paultry pressure cook (25mins)


  • 1 1/2 kg beef trimmed and cubed
  • 2 tablespoon flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • teaspoon black pepper
  • 4 onion chopped cubed
  • 1 cube of chicken stock
  • 5 tablespoons tomato paste/tomato sauce
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon of fannel seed
  • 2 potatoes peeled and cubed
  • 3 carrots cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 2 celery stalks cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 2 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 pieces of bay leaves
  1. Combine flour, salt and pepper. Toss beef in flour mixture.
  2. Fry the beef until browned. (Set: sear/sauté low temperature).
  3. Combine all the ingredients including except cornstarch and water. (Set: meat/paultry pressure cook).
  4. Mix equal parts cornstarch and water until you reach a desired consistency.
  5. Serve fresh and hot 😋




Welcome, 2019

Assalamualaikum wmt wbt 💕

Dear fellow readers, colleagues and students👨‍🎓👩‍🎓

Alhamdulillah, Allah has granted us health and strength to cherish 2018 peacefully and granted us to embark on insyaAllah, a beautiful journey for 2019.

My hope for this year, is to be a good servant to Allah as He allows me to live a good life, to have a caring husband and family, to be able to serve the nation, and to be able to continue my duty as His servant.

InsyaAllah for this year, I will write often. I will polish my writing skill. I have set the target to publish at least 10 scopus paper this year. InsyaAllah.

Academically, I want to improve my teaching skill, as well as to read and publish more.

I believe, when you do something, you must start with a good intention. Then, the rest is history. Continue to stay positive no matter what , even sometimes there are hurdles in life. You just need to face it.

This year, I have 2 amanah in my tiny shoulders. I was appointed as RG leader for CITE research group and another one is as functionary coordinator (pemangku). I temporarily carry on work as research and publication coodinator for my school ( School of Education, UTM) for 6 months.

Hope that everything went smoothly.

With Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I welcome you 2019 🧕


A New Malaysia

As one of the government servants who serves the government of the day, I would like to congratulate our newly appointed Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who is now 7th PM of Malaysia. Dr Mahathir proves to us that age is just a number. With his wisdom and his vast experience, I believe that Malaysian is in good hands now. So lets move forward and show our support to Tun M and his brilliant team! ☺

