Secured FRGS Cycle 1/2019

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah. The moment that I’ve been waiting for has come. Alhamdulillah,Thank you Allah. The amount that I received is RM 58,600. It is not much but blessed cause it is more than enough for me 🙂

Publication Talk

Assalamualaikum guys 😊 Sedikit perkongsian dari saya mengenai penerbitan berindeks ISI. Ceramah disampaikan bersama otai/sifu penerbitan berindeks, PM Dr Lokman Tahir. Moga perkongsian hari ini memberi manfaat buat kita semua. InsyaAllah, amin. Nota: Program...

Briefing on PRGS Cycle 2/2019

Assalamualaikum and Good Afternoon Attached herewith is the slide presentation delivered by Pn Sapiah, Research Officer at Smart Digital Community Research Alliance during her talk at PRGS workshop last week. You can dowload the slide here

I’m glad to be part of Erasmus+ program

Assalamualaikum and Greetings to everyone, On February this year, Prof Dr Zaleha Ismail from School of Education has secured Erasmus+ grant, an international grant funded by European Commission. She has invited me to be the member of the grant alongside with Dr Zakiah...

Research Talk: How to Win PRGS Grant!

Assalamualaikum and Greetings to everyone, Research committee from School of Education, UTM has organized a sharing session for researchers who interested to apply for Prototype Research Grant Scheme or PRGS. PRGS is funded by Ministry of Education, Malaysia purposely...