I am truly honored to be part of this exciting event. The exposition was held at aT Centre, an exhibition hall located at the heart of Seoul extravagant and hectic city, which is Gangnam. The exhibition had attracted women inventors from over 23 different countries. More than 200 products displayed and took part in this event. UTM team had 3 different products, 2 from School of Graduate Studies (SPS) and the other 1 is my product which is mobile learning apps..and guess what??!! we’ve managed to grab SILVER medal! Alhamdulillah. This is beyond our imagination since we are not expecting any medal actually. We have done our best and present the products to the juries confidently (well actually.. calm on the surface, but but paddling like the dickens underneath) hee hee..


The expo went through for 4 days (15-18th May, 2015). I took 2 days flight earlier to experience Seoul and particularly, Gangnam city. Clean and structured and neat city I might say. Very lively at night especially in Namdemon market. Insyaallah if I have the chance, definitely I would like to take part in this event next year.


photo(63)UTM delegates

photo(64)The juries

photo(65)Malaysian Delegates