Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE) Conference was held in Taiwan from 9th to 12th of April, 2015. Accordingly, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) was chosen to be the host for this year event. Prof. Dr. Anders Berglund from Uppsala University, Sweden officiated the event.  I was very lucky and honored to be part of this event, as well as to present part of my research findings to the delegates. Few familiar faces like Dr. Neena Thota and Dr. Arnold Pears was seen throughout the conference. They are among the prominent names and the expertise in the field of computing education. I would recommend fellow friends and students to take part in this conference as it is for me, is a great platform for us to build network, sharing of ideas and discussion of recent researches in the field of computing education. I heard that next year, they probably have this conference in Mumbai, India. I am more than happy to share the information with you later.
