Here are some tips for students who wish to discuss their proposal with their supervisor. My personal advice…

  1. First of all, please discuss with your supervisor about his/her supervision ground rules. For example, meeting frequency, publication output, etc.
  2. Prepare a milestone. Perhaps a simple Gantt chart that shows plan of your study for current semester (Your supervisor would love to see this. Indirectly, it shows your commitment towards your study)
  3. You might wonder how to search for articles. Please discuss about this with your supervisor. He/she is more than happy to guide you about information literacy skills.
  4. Discuss your research topic. Whatever topic that comes in your mind, discuss it with your supervisor. Your supervisor would like to know what is your research interest as well. He/she might support/reject your research topic, but a good supervisor will give a suggestion. When you have your research topic, it shows that you are serious in your research and you did not come to us with empty hand.