Al-Mukminun 23: 1-11

Surah Al-Mukminun is one of my favourite Surah’s for its simplicity. I love, especially the first 11 verses as it is a simple reminder from Allah, or maybe a simple guidance from Allah of the people who will be chosen for Jannah

the successful people

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

1.Certainly will the believers have succeeded

Who are these believers who have success? The answer is given straight away from ayat 2-9 which are the characteristics of these successful people. The brilliant thing about this is that it is a ready made checklist for all Muslim to evaluate whether they are a successful person or not.

2. Those who are khusyu’ in their prayers

3. Those who abstain from doing and saying ill things

4. Those who pay zakat and do so consistently

5. Those who guard their private parts

6. Except with their wives and …

7. But those who search for beyond, they are the ones who are transgressors

8. Those who keep their promises

9. And those who maintain their prayers

Allah repeats here twice, about prayers, so this suggests that it is an extremely important quality of a successful person.

and what is the gift that Allah gives to them? Jannah

10-11. They will inherit Al-Firdaus

So, you are not just a successful person in this life, but Allah will grant you the greatest gift in the hereafter.

Disclaimer: By the way, I translated this myself from the Quran Malay translation, so there will be lots of meaning lost, so if you are reading this, please don’t take the translation as is.

March 2025