STEAM program at KMTJ

this time aorund we did the matchstick circle activity. here are some of the results. Dah mcm kuih raya kan?


program Bangsa Johor Bahagia

Alhamdulillah, I was invited to join the program bangsa johor bahagia program to open a booth about mathematics last saturday. I redid the ever popular string art activity and the people there were really happy to create their own artwork especially as they could bring them home afterwards. here are some of their pretty artwork produced.                 



ODL learning

learning so much at the Open Distance Learning course. Need to boost my e-learning activities!



Minggu Pendidik

I was involved in the Minggu Pendidik program under the FP For Us sub program. Didn’t take any pictures though. only took one from the sambutan hari guru program and a token from one of my students. I really appreciate it.







first time i have held this exam in the faculty as before, it was conducted as a take home exam. the result? I can see that the students really tried their best to answer the questions. I don’t know what the outcome is though.