for semester 2 2019/20, the class Models in Teaching and learning Mathematics (MPPM1103) combined with Design and Implementation of Chemistry Curriculum (MPPK1113) to develop a STEM module for aboriginal community in Kota Tinggi (Kaum Kanaq). the students were tasked with developing a STEM module for the community that focused on self and environmental cleanliness and hygiene. the resulting modules from the students were ‘self hygiene module’, ‘indoor environment module’, ‘home made fertilizer module’, and ‘reduce, reuse and recycle module’. the students had to highlight the mathematics and science components of the module as one of its objectives was to encourage number sense and scientific knowledge. the students’ modules were validated by experts in STEM and were scored based on 30%.
The initial plan was for all students to be involved in the implementation of the module, but due to the COVID-19 Pandemic only the lecturers were involved in the site visit and implementation of the module to decrease the risk of infection. The program ended with a successful webinar ‘STEM for Aboriginal People’ which were attended by the students.
During the site visit, we were greeted by the Tok Batin or Ketua Kampung. The Kaum Kanaq were shy people and mostly stayed indoors when we did the tour of the kampung. However, they were very happy and pleased to receive gifts from us. The implementation of the program was also handled very casually
The implementation of the program involved planning and collaboration with Institute Pendidikan Guru Temenggong Ibrahim. In the future we hope to have more collaboration such as this for access to special communities.